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March 13 , 2025
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Synsun - Symphonic Adventures

 ( Kagdila ,  Jun. 2004 )

1. Vampiria 7:46 2. Zygote 7:58 3. Ride The Sky 7:11 4. Logic Mami 6:59 5. Ceremony 8:03 6. Ave Samael 6:47 7. Death Machine 6:46 8. Tataria 8:44

Synsun is the Ukrainian Andrey Vakhnenko, making different music than usual. He says that this album is inspired by the Italian metal band Rhapsody, although I couldn't really find any similarities, which is a good thing actually.

Vampiria is the track to start the fun and an introduction to the Synsun sound. A metallic sound, harsh, hard and dirty. Influences by classical music, metal, and old Goa psytrance as well. Zygote (T2) adds some power chords to the music, totally eliminating the need for an audible bassline- this should be used more often in conventional psytrance. This one is a true example of the definition of power. Back to trancier realms with Ride The Sky, a little bit less power but more Goa. The problem here is that I hear exactly the same sounds from the previous tracks, some innovation could have been useful here. Logic Mami makes the change. This one is a pure morning track under the disguise of another dark and evil track. Ceremony is again a track using the same old sounds, but it covers for it by musicality. This is a real ceremony- symphonic sounds, groovy patterns and trippy melodies, opera style. Ave Samael is the fifth track here. This one is like a movie soundtrack. Everything changes and morphs like a carefully written story or script. Back to psytrance realms now, Death Machine is track number 7. This one is Goa Synsun style with grooves. Tataria finishes the album with a really positive feeling- it reminds me of the classic Radial Blur by Astral Projection & MFG. Great vocals here and a lot of POWER!!

Recomendation:  Synsun manages to deliver something different. Some may compare it to old Infected, Dark Soho and even X-Dream, but this is Synsun. It has a unique and special style- powerful, symphonic, classical and melodic. Vax is a musician and it can be clearly heard here. This album could use improvements in the sound department, but timeless music such as this one can sound not as good production-wise and still be good. I say- get a copy if you can find one. Who knows if there will ever be a reprint, and this could be a collectors item.

Favorite tracks:1, 2(!), 4, 5(!!), 6, 8(!!!).

Review by : Mike A

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