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March 13 , 2025
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Solaris 12"

 ( Atomic Records ,  1999 )

A. Solaris- Out There 9:16 B. Solaris- Extra Mundane 9:43

Oh well… Israeli from the bottom of the heart, two sweet tracks on 12" coming from Atomic Records, a record label recognized 'out there' as a label which brings very dark, full on and hard psychedelia. So and Solaris project (Side project of Oforia) is intended to bring the dark side of the psychedelic trance from Israel I guess. Very well done. Actually those who have heard earlier stuff from Ofer Dikovsky (Oforia, Tandu, Indoor, and other projects) know what they can expect here. The A-side track, Out There, is real mess, it is totally party-like, fast and furious tune. It builds, progresses through the mind, and gets its maximum at a stage when is becomes difficult to continue. Perhaps, leaving the body to do what it can do all by itself, is the only choice.
Fading in and out, engaging all available Ofer-sources, twisted and awesome melodies is, I hope, a 'Mundane' way of describing. Extra Mundane, the B-side track on this single is a slower track (only a bit…) and softer, and it is more like Pigs In Space tracks, but again it is driving and a sweet one. Nice rhythm, or maybe in other words said, the rhythm is the crazy side of the tune, nice and addicting vocals appearing from time to time and getting in to fly with some quiet melodies in background along with trancey sounds and beats. It's going and slowly preparing the stage for the magic moments and party mood.

Recomendation:  I would say that here you have two outstanding tracks for parties especially open-air ones, god I love open-airs. Get this and head to the mountains, or go for psychedelic picnic and have an extreme input of positive energy. This means anyone who still feels young :) and feels that they can dance crazy enough and resist those melodo-driving tracks should get this stuff. Enjoy them! And thanks to Ofer Dikovsky!

Review by : Darko

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