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March 13 , 2025
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Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station

 ( Ultimae ,  2003 )

1. Confusion Illusion 6:59 2. Elevator Sunshine Girl 6:00 3. Cosmic Dessert 5:58 4. Magic Eye 8:00 5. Infection 268-7 8:32 6. Magnetic Air 6:19 7. Majestic Feeling 9:32 8. Blue Moon Station (album version) 7:31 9. Planet Zoo 6:59 10. Third Time (a-version) 6:23 11. Swimming with Stones 6:55

Here is the best chill album I heard in quite a while. Solar Fields, who is Magnus Birgersson from Sweden, presents us with a deep psychedelic trancey ambient CD that does beautifully just what ambient is supposed to do: be a relaxing musical background and in the same time offer a musical landscape to dive into with your mind. Blue Moon Station does both and in a way that makes you experience it literally, diving into relaxed and very chilled moments only to surface back dramatically and suck your mind and heart to alien landscapes. Some must be mentioned highlights here are the beautiful strings peace Elevator Sunshine Girl, the dramatic Cosmic Dessert that gives me goose bumps, the excellent trancey Infection 268-7, my favorite and most powerful track here- Majestic Feeling- fading and exploding dramatically again and again with tons of feel- sends shudders down my spine every time, and the aquatic beautiful and with a Jazzy-afternoon-feel Swimming with Stones. But it's all just great.

Recomendation:  Best psychedelic chill album I heard in a long time. A real must.
Favorites: 2, 3(!), 4, 5(!), 7(!!!), 9, 11.

Review by : Shahar

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