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March 13 , 2025
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Silent Horror - Patterns EP

 ( Devils Mind ,  Feb. 2009 )

1. Pattern 6:48 2. Obscure 6:34 3. Traumatic 7:42

Silent Horror returns with this three track EP, released on Devils Mind Records, just as his official debut album Nemesis. Silent Horror is Jigar Shah, an Indian composer of dark nighttime psytrance. After releasing lots of tracks on various compilations and labels, he decided to release his debut on Devils Mind Records, which managed to surprise because of its tight production and dark tracks. Now he continues in that vein with this three track EP. The tracks on offer here are fairly wild and especially Traumatic (T3) is pure dark psytrance, with lots of dark atmospheric sounds and acid lines flying all over the place. Combine this all with a pounding kick and heavy bass lines, and you’re about there. It’s only 21 minutes long though, but this is an EP after all. It’s just that after the third track, which is the best in my opinion, you’re left wanting more and more from this. So then it just has to go on repeat... There is also a concept behind this being released on a single CD. Most labels nowadays go for digital releases, especially when it comes to EPs. Devils Mind Records, however, wants to keep the CD alive, so they released this on CD. It’s also available in limited quantities, so if you want your copy you should be fast. So, the music is great on this one, let’s have a quick talk about the rest. The artwork is also great, nice and colorful with a forest impression. The CD itself looks nice in the same way. Mastering is top notch as well and it was done by Colin from O.O.O.D. fame./

Recomendation:  All in all, this is a nice package. It reflects what Silent Horror is all about these days and these tracks are all strong. There are no downers here, and if you like this style you’d be a fool to miss out on a track like Traumatic, which is one of the finer examples of this genre. And as I said, this is also a limited edition and a collector's item, so grab it while you have a chance!

Review by : Acidhive

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