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March 13 , 2025
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Sharigrama - Mexican Mushroom

 ( AP Records ,  Feb. 2005 )

1. Electric Forces 2. Fading Away 3. Didge Daz 4. Mexican Mushroom 5. Halusignorita (Shari Remix) 6. Words 7. Magic Land 8. Spheres 9. Change

After hearing a lot about this project and with all the sad drama that occurred last year, I was anxious to receive the promo for Sharigrama’s new cd – Mexican Mushroom. So without much hesitation I dove into it.

The first track entitled “Electric Forces” comes in with a good intro great use of samples and a funky rhythm. I always like to have Terrence McKenna somewhere on a track; he seems to always take a track off the deep end. Nice base on this one – morning music a la Mexico, nothing too harsh. Next comes “Fadin Away”. This track starts the full-on part of the journey. Influences from around the world, I recognize sounds from Israel to Brazil. Didge Diaz is a great track; it features a didgeridoo as the main attraction along with baselines that tell the story of the track. I like how every musical piece here has a connection with its predecessor. “Mexican Mushroom” is exactly that – to anyone that has been to Mexico – this track reminds me of many things… it is mysterious and driving. “Halusignorita” is full blown retro Goa trance with up to date technology. Eastern melodies along with T. McKenna again deliver a wonderful combination that took me for a wild ride and reminded me of yester years. Next up is “Words” a straighter forward piece with dubby hits and ambience along with good use of vocal samples. “Magic Land” is a tribal rhythmic piece with softer yet resonant melodies. Slowing things down in the journey of the mushroom. Great bouncy groovy beat with the funkiness of “Spheres”, not the best track on the album, but not bad at all. Last but not least, Sharigrama finishes on an up note. “Change” is another Goa influenced piece of work that had me flying around like an airplane in my living room.

Altogether I think this is really special cd. For the first time I was pleasantly surprised to hear and appreciate that not every sounds was tweaked on the level of Infected Mushroom. This actually gave much more soul and spirit to the journey. The production is good, very good from what I heard from Mexico so far and the ideas are on a world-class level for certain. I feel a certain emotion was channeled into this piece of art- it really shows.

Recomendation:  Highly recommended to those who are about to trance, if you have a good hour to sit and be taken to another place, like in the past. try it.

Review by : Gadi Vered (Surrender)

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