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March 13 , 2025
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Sesto Sento - The Inner Light

 ( Com.pact ,  Oct. 2002 )

1. Ray of Meditation 6:47 2. Run on Green 7:36 3. Freakshow 7:43 4. Snoofkin Back 6:20 5. Follow Me 6:47 6. Goadzilla 7:27 7. Snail of a Tail 7:46 8. Spank to Tor 7:25 9. Getting Fused 6:49

Sesto Sento are a young trio from Israel, and they release their debut album on the new label Com.pact. This is another full-on album produced in Israel, but this time it's different. More psychedelic, more squeaky, and filled with groove. The first track is Ray of Meditation. Begins with a bluesy guitar riff and not long after the Sesto Sento beat, which will follow you throughout the album, enters. A grainy bass line with lots of psychedelic stretching sounds are the characteristics of the groove. The track ends as an introduction to the album, like it should be. The next track is Run on Green, which follows the same pattern as the previous track. Things warm up with Freakshow. The sounds are more industrial and the entire track is much more progressive now. Snoofkin Back sounds like Freakshow part 2, and it's quite a shame that good ideas get recycled and take the fun away. Follow Me (T5) has one hell of a groove, which makes me move every time I listen to it. Very good string sequence combined with melodies (even though it's a bit silent). This track is definitely one of my favorites here. The sixth track on this album is Goadzilla. Very good work on the samples, percussion and bass line. Snail of a Tail (T7) is coming back to progressiveness with industrial and techy sounds. Spank to Tor is a dark, ghostlike track. Like always, the trio makes an amazing job on the groove and percussion. Closing the album is Getting Fused (T9). This track is less aggressive than the rest of this album, and is more digging oriented than the rest. A bit minimal, if you can call it like this. Towards the end it gets melodic and puts you in the mood for the end.

Recomendation:  Sesto boys are here with a full on album, although it's a bit different from the full on we all got to know. They need some more learning on sound work (especially levels) and how to combine their motives better with the groove. But this album is still a very good one and holds a great talent.

My favorites: 1, 5(!), 6, 7, 8(!).

Review by : Mike A

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