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March 13 , 2025
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 ( Doof ,  Dec. 2006 )

1. Cactus - Dark Game 2. Zirkin - Scratch 3. Entropy - Duck & Cover 4. Rev - Head Like a Sieve 5. Illegal Machines - Bad Company 6. Dark Summer - Dark Leads the Leader (Electrypnose rmx) 7. Illegal Machines - Heckel & Jekel 8. I-Drop - Psycho Killer Technology 9. Double R.E.L. - That Makes Me Angry

Scratch is the 25th release of Doof records, which had its 1st release back from January 2002. 25 albums in 4 years only achieved, I think, with hard work. Doof counts on its repertoire of artists such people as Bonky (R.I.P.), Azax Syndrom, Double REL, Entropy, Mechanix, Iron Madness and Zirkin to name a few.
Over the years I have heard the trade mark characteristic, of the sound released by Doof, like the amazing compilations Electric Shock Treatment 1 and 2, Forest, and Entropy's albums but this compilation, seems to me, a change in the choice of music of this label.
This compilation goes to territories of more "brighter sounds", not so directed to the deep hours of the night, like the older releases. Maybe more adjusted to the twilight hours.
My recommendations are track n. º 1, Dark Game, by Cactus, a minimal track, with not much variations with the leads, and almost in the end of it we some female samples, only I didn't manage to recognize where it is from. It is the smallest track of this compilation, 5:35 minutes. Track n. º 2, from Zirkin, who compiled this release, and goes already with 2 albums also released in Doof, comes with a track with nice work on the used leads. Entropy and the Electrypnose rmx to Dark Summer - Dark Leads The Leader track – make the rest of the ones I liked most. Entropy with a more aggressive type of music, and Electrypnose staying truthful to his music – this last one really stands from the other tracks.
Illegal Machines and I-Drop, are newcomers in Doof releases. Illegal Machines - Bad Company, starts with a soft kick and bass line, which is a constant trough the track, but the leads, go into twisted ness universe. Heckel & Jeckel, also from Illegal Machines, is a little bit more “dry”, calmer but almost in the end of the track, at 4:13 minutes, a build up followed by acid lines will possible enter the gates of your brain. I-Drop track starts very smooth and it goes in this direction through the track, I mean there isn't much variation, it stays in a certain level and doesn't run much from there.
Double REL, left me disappointed, because I was expecting more aggressiveness, twisted ness, more spooky sounds but the path they present, kind of reminds me Azax Syndrom, very similar sounds. Not the production, but the used sounds.

Recomendation:  To conclude, this VA is, like I stated above, is different from the elder’s releases Doof has made all over this years. I believe it will achieve a different public, than the previous ones it had achieved. It has some nice moments of music, but nevertheless I miss a little bit the hard and strong music Doof Released.

Review by : a3k

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