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January 29 , 2025
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Resurrection - compiled by Chakra

 ( Optimus ,  Dec. 1999 )

1. Chakra feat. Liquid Metal- Resurrection 9:32 2. 3.Turn- By Any Means Necessary 5:33 3. Liquid Metal feat. Chakra- Search for God 9:14 4. Screec- Tribal Emphasis 7:12 5. Eon Project- Intra Natural Power 8:06 6. Reefer Decree- O.Tonin 8:33 7. Dandandado- El Cateto 5:42 8. Chakra- Deliverence 10:16

A beautifully compiled collection of tracks, most of them released in one way or another, but here they all tell a story, and show a wide spectrum of the interesting stuff being made today under the name 'trance' around the world. A great mind expanding travel with some massive psychedelic grinding sounds.

Opening this CD is one of the strongest tracks ever made, literally. Resurrection marked the comeback of Chakra and with a vengeance! Together with Roman Reznik they deliver a real chaotic track, starting with crazy sampling, then the kick enters and it's working time- scratches from hell, squeaking, gothic voices and all the time that merciless pounding. That goes on for a long while, but it's only preparing you for the real thing, the guitar like melody, very Chakra, very Liquid Troll like, fooooo! Just crazy! And that never ending build-up! This is one of the best tracks I've heard in a long time, complex, intelligent, full on- a real party stormer! 10 minutes of complete sheer madness! This will flip your party, people!!! Then come By Any Means Necessary by 3.Turn, a short weird track, not trance, but a real interesting story telling. A lot of people I know wait for their debut album. It serves as an interlude that leads us to the B-side of Ressurection 12", Search for God (T3). Another massive track, not falling long behind the A-side. This one is a bit darker, starting very repetitive and pounding, flying samples all around, singing and chanting voices, going back and forth, grinding beat, flashing guitars, and then, a monumental entrance exploding- another guaranteed party hit! "And what if god is a by-product of our search for god?". Then comes Screec's Tribal Emphasis (T4), one of the best tribal night tracks, I've ever heard. A real massive sound, with tribal chanting and shouting- if you'll listen good, you'll see the shaman conducting the ceremony, just follow him- you'll enjoy it! A beautiful track. The Eon Project track (T5), is an old one, and frankly, I'm not to fond of it- semi industrial trance, just to remind you we it all came from. O.Tonin (T6) by Reefer Decree is a compacted book of short stories, underlined with a massive bass, and illustrated by brain scratching zippers, and beautiful drumming. A very interesting and innovative track with a happy ending (can't escape the resemblance to Riktam's In & Out, from Arsim on Acid), though I would drop the sample in the beginning, it somehow sounds out of place. From that we move smoothly to El Cateto (T7), weird Mexican-electro-samba-trance, with a wink ("Man turn this shit off. Put on the next track!"). You gotta love this one! Tequila, Tequila!!!
Sealing this great compilation is another piece by Chakra, this time on his own. A more relaxed track (everything is relative in this world, said Einstein), with a tribal groove, with an almost Jazzy end. A really nice track, and right in place after the psychotic jumpy bumpy chaotic ride we get from the start.

Recomendation:  A powerful hard no-nonsense compilation from Chakra's new label, Optimus. Apart from the three massive tracks involving the man himself, there is a lot of interesting and diverse stuff here and it's all built together beautifully, like a compilation should be- great work by Rami. Be warned: this CD will test your speakers!

Favorite tracks:1(!!), 3, 4(!), 7, 8.

Review by : Shahar

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