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 ( PsyTropic ,  Jun. 2005 )

1. PsyNina - Between Spheres 146bpm 09:12 2. Thujon - Human Imagination 143bpm 07:03 3. Sixsense - Dancing Alone 148bpm 08:00 4. Ultravoice & Kyo-Log - Desert Fly 145bpm 06:27 5. Chromatone - XES 145bpm 07:10 6. InterSys & Rhythmic Acid - Experiments 145bpm 07:22 7. Elec3 - 40 Amps 145bpm 07:18 8. Ananda Shake - The Movie Start 145bpm 08:07 9. D-Tek - Restricted Area (Audio-X Rmx) 145bpm 08:13 10. Dark Nebula - Space Weed 146bpm 06:50

This fine release was compiled by DJ Chemicus, some people know him as Thomas, and certainly he is a psytrance enthusiast. The mastering was made by Triptych and sounds very good! This is PsyTropic Records second release, a label based on Germany with roots deep on psytrance's philosophy as we can see in the messages on the booklet, for example: "Thanks a lot to you as acquirer of this original Audio-record! You
consequently support the label's and artist's work and give the possibility to release new killer tunes on compact discs with even more improving booklets and designs! Thank you for this chance!" This really made me feel special, a label thanking me for my support to scene! That's great. One of the things I really liked about this release (in fact in all PsyTropic Releases) is that they printed on the CD the number of the
track, the artist name, the name of the track and the bpm of each track. I think other labels should try to do the same, it's a DJ friendly addition. Also the release come with a stick with the PsyTropic Records logo and on it's back the statement: "MP3 kills your music". The same is written on the back of the CD cover.

Opening this compilation with some German samples is PsyNina, a talented German girl who enjoy making dark music. And she is not kidding here, if you play this track during the day it's very possible an eclipse will
happen, at least in people's mind. After the intro this track develops a dark atmosphere impossible to ignore, well placed effects at 146 bpm, however it does not seems so fast, it sounds slower and scary. Good and different dark tune. Thujon(T2) brings the bpm down to 143, the slower track of this compilation, yet sounding as fast as previous track. Groovy stuff, Thujon show us he's developing his own concise style. Good bass, nice effects that reminds me Cosma (only reminds me, it's not copy & paste) and lots of samples that fits perfectly the atmosphere of this track, and add meaning for me to think about while I'm dancing. Utopia
Records just released an album compiled by Sixsense(T3), but in my opinion this track is better than the two others at Utopia's release. This track is joyful to dance and I like the effects and vocals... Fits smoothly
after Thujon's track in spite of the BPM difference between both tracks. I recommend it for home listening. Ultravoice just released a compilation on Com.Pact Records... Just hope it has tracks like this
one... ;) Nothing more to add else than what's on the samples: "We can fly!..." Chromatone(T5) arrives with a track that flows continuously yet building up a little every moment... At the end the only thing I know
for sure is that I danced a lot... Steady track, different layers of effects... Good full on! Starting with a melancholic melody, InterSys & Rhythmic Acid prepare our mood for what is coming: a well designed,
sober work. Everything here is my taste! Between the different layers of sound we can hear well fitted samples from the documentary "Getting High: The History of LSD", my favorite is: "There was a feeling that you could take a college graduate from Indiana U and give him L.S.D. and create hippie, that that's what it
was, was sort of college baby boomer plus L.S.D. equals hippie, and hippie equals somebody who's dropping out and probably wants to overthrow the government and the culture of America." This track is great for home listening and also is my favorite from this compilation. Very emotional stuff here!! InterSys, please release
MORE!!! Elec3(T7), the new Turbo Trance Records dancing star, proove that his track is more danceable, nice bass, joyful journey... Many samples, there's a woman talking fast and latter a guy says: "What did you do?"
After the break this gem rocks any dance floor! This is a great full on, best track designed for the dance floor from Elec3 IMO. Really good work. Next track has the trademark of Ananda Shake in it. If you liked
they album go after this one, in fact IMO this track is better than most track in their album (and I liked their album). Their music evolved, this is clear by the track structure. Nice bass, nice synths and great
melodies. What we have next?(T9) A remix better than the original? You can bet your ass in that! Pumping bass, great synths and effects, and new ideas here. More samples from the movie "Final Fantasy"... It's impossible not to move: This track is a dance floor monster, psychedelic, pumping, danceable, good work Audio-X! Dark Nebula brings an end to this compilation with a darker tune than the previous, funny samples that I can't completely understand. This track makes this release end as it started, dark tunes at 146 bpms.

Psytropic did it great, different styles inside this compilation, ranging from tenebrous dark stuff to tracks perfect for home listening. Also this released is packed with 76 minutes of music, that shows Psytropic respect to fans!

Recomendation:  I recommend it for the eclectic psy listener, and for those who want make their DJ case wider without having to buy releases containing only one style. DJ Chemicus did a nice work here; the album can easily be seen as solid, tight piece of music. I really liked this album, in fact I think it's together with Positive Prototype (Proton Records) and Check In (High-End Records) the hall of the best compilations of 2005.
Favorites: 1(!), 2, 3, 4, 6(!!), 7(!), 8(!) 9(!).

Review by : full_on.

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