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March 13 , 2025
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Pure Imagination vol. 1

 ( Utopia ,  Mar. 2004 )

1. Audiotec- Passion of Mind 146bpm 7:58 2. Vibe Tribe vs. Toxic Toy- American Pussy 145bpm 6:54 3. Bizzare Contact- Love Simulator 145bpm 8:06 4. Magnetic Force vs. Sixsense- Space Port 147bpm 7:33 5. Perplex vs. Paranormal Attack- 2 Much 145bpm 7:30 6. Sirius Isness- Computer Voodoo 145bpm 8:06 7. S.A.S- Out of Earth 148bpm 8:07 8. Beat Hackers- Insaine Genious 147bpm 7:10 9. Ananda Shake- First Man 145bpm 8:29 10. Abstract- Echology of Souls 148bpm 8:16

Pure Imagination is the fourth release of this small Israeli label. This is ultra melodic full on, featuring mostly unknown and new artists.

Audiotec opens the compilation with some sweet melodies, but the fast paced bassline and tight percussions leave no doubt for the nature of this compilation- dance till you drop! Passion of Mind is a great track, emotional melodies all over. The next one is a collaboration between Vibe Tribe & Toxic Toy- the result is nothing less than amazing. A true stormer with powerful, beautiful and flowing lead melodies. This is no time to relax though, Love Simulation is another jaw dropping track. Getting more original with the bassline and percussion, and a somewhat harder and metallic sound than before. Still, there are great melodies which simply ask you to wave your hands in the air. Magnetic Force vs. Sixsense- Space Port continues the trend but unfortunately the sound production level is not as high as the rest here. It sounds dim and not as powerful, which takes away from the fun of this happy track. Almost halfway through the CD, and we change style. No more fluff, this time we're in for power and psychedelia. Perplex joins Paranormal Attack for the first in the series. Too much zapper sounds for me, although it has nice moments towards the end. Sirius Isness put the compilation back on track with a great track. Nice structure, great vibes in this one. S.B.S is here with a fast hard track, although a bit boring. Beat Hackers continue the boredom with a typical track of theirs- nothing interesting here. Ananda Shake save the day with First Rain. Evolving slowly with layers added each time until it becomes a full sounding piece of music. Psychedelic sounds and great melodies and an amazing part at the end! Abstract finishes the compilation with Echology of Souls. A different, interesting track which is fun to listen o. Sounds like a soundtrack to itself, like some kind of a story. Good work on this one.

Recomendation:  You can't get any more melodic than this. Cheese and fluff can be great when it's done by the right people. Some tracks are amazing (2, 9) while some are the opposite (7, 8). This compilation is worth it for the good tracks which are innovative and interesting. Once the artists featured here become more professional and the style matures- this will be remembered as one of the places where it all began. If you like melodie - grab a copy of this one while you can.

Favorite tracks:1, 2(!), 3, 4, 9, 10.

Review by : Mike A.

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