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March 14 , 2025
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 ( Spliff Music ,  Sep. 2004 )

1. Safi and Liquid Phase - Sounds Like Bazoom 2. Hux Flux - Equivalent Equations 3. Mekkanika - Reurection 4. Theoreme - Asagao 5. Dozer and 40% - S.P.O 6. Tube - Secrets of Life 7. Dali - Going Down 8. Sixsense - Spiritual Sense 9. Chemical Drive - Mushroom Jack 10. Safi Connection and Ibojima - Awakening of Dawn

I didn't like this compilation at first. Heard it a few times and it didn't really appeal to me. After listening to it again not so long ago, I realized I was wrong. This is not a bad compilation after all.
The main reason why I didn't like it at first is the very bad first impression. The first track, Sounds Like Bazoom (T1) is horribly produced, which sort of ruined the rest for me. After listening to some tracks singularly, and not as an ordered compilation they sounded much better. This compilation is a journey through the party, starting at night with a hard twisted style: Hux Flux - Equivalent Equations (T2). Mekkanikka comes next with Reurection (T3). Fast, hard, and very very very fun track. Somewhat less melodic than Mekkanikka's usual style - and this is much better. Theoreme - Asagao (T3) is the second track that ruined it for me - nothing good here. Just a bunch of random noises and the guitars sound quite bad as well. Back to good music now - BLT (named Dozer here) joins 40%, (T5) and his touch is felt noticeably. This one's "only" 143 and quite BLTish in groove. 40% gives his happy (and cheesy) melodies to create a nice combination. Halfway through and we reach Secrets of Life by Tube (T6). Same style (more or less) like Theoreme before, but this one is done much much better. Those morningish touches also add a nice value to it. Dali - Going Down (T7) is one of my favorite Dali tracks. Very full sounding, very driving. Sixsense goes melodic all the way with Spiritual Sense (T8) - also the fastest track on this compilation. If you like melodic morning music - you'll love this one. Chemical Drive is an artist I'm beginning to appreciate lately. His music is melodic in sort of an atmospheric way, but still groovy. This is the case with this track (T9) as well - one of the favorites here. Unfortunately that style is not that common today and it's good to have him producing it. The final track (T10) is a collaboration between the well known Safi Connection and a new name - Ibojima. This one is melodic in an old-school style - what a nice way to finish the compilation.

Recomendation:  Overall it's a very good compilation with different colors and flavors inside. Recommended for casual listeners as well as DJs.

Favorite tracks:3, 6(!), 7, 8(!), 9.

Review by : Mike A.

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