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March 13 , 2025
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Posse- compiled by DJ Nadi

 ( Domo ,  Jun. 2005 )

1. Insane Creation- Can Feel 9:33 2. Sonic Soul- Pornodelica (Sonnenvakuum rmx) 7:43 3. Ace Ventura & Intelabeam- Nasty Peach 9:32 4. Sensifeel- Available 8:09 5. V-Tunes- 3rd Trial 8:57 6. Liquid Soul- Be Free 7:58 7. Nasa- Someone to Watch Over Me 7:47 8. Sub6 feat. Michelle Adamson- 7th Son (Ticon rmx) 8:17 9. Tomtron & Liesegang- Song for You 8:14

Dj Nadi, one of the most recognizable persons in the Progressive Trance scene in Israel gives us a selection of hot progressive tunes for summer. So what’s cooking in the oven?
The CD starts with a groovy and scratchy Can Feel by Dave Walitza AKA Insane Creation. This is a very good opener. One of these progressive tunes that can make you bounce on the dancefloor like the Energizer rabbit. Awesomo! Sonnenvakuum’s Remix of Pornodelica by Sonic Soul(T2) continues with a tad different mood. Sort of a gloomy and sexy vibe here with Patricia Arquette’s sexy voice whispering in the background. Very deep and unique tune indeed. Ace Ventura AKA Yoni Oshrat of PsySex fame and Intelabeam are next with Nasty Peach (T3). The tune starts very promising with several selected sounds that bounce back and forth. The track progresses with several melodies interleaved, one of them reminded me the old Platipus Records melodies. Unfortunately, the track doesn’t reach any fulfilling climax (for some reason I expected it to end like a blasting full-on a-la PsySex, but it didn’t). All in all it’s a nice track, but a proper PsySex remix can do wonders to it. Sensifeel picks up from there with some sort of Jamaican samples that lead to pretty much boring and too overwhelmed with details track. Could be better with fewer sounds I reckon. V-Tunes’ 3rd Trial (T5) is a very nice and uplifting tune. Very smoothly progressing and refreshing. Archetypical summer progressive trance. Nice I had the chance to hear Liquid Soul several weeks ago in Israel and wasn’t overly impressed with his sound, so I listened to the next tune with a bit of a lowered expectation. I was thoroughly surprised cause this track carries some serious amounts of energies. Very well produced track with really powerful and driving rhythm. Nasa continues with his uber cool tribal sound on Someone To Watch Over Me (T7). This tune kicks ass, the sound remotely reminds me Dado’s Synthetic side-project, a dancefloor killer without any doubt. Ticon’s remix of Sub6’s 7th son was already released on 7th son CD-Single on VP and it was the highlight there as well as here. The annoying rap part was sacrificed to make more room for Ticon’s ethereal sounds and Michele Adamson’s soft voice. The rhythm is Ticon’s trademarked tribal rhythm with lots of groove and space that just fills you with happiness. The tune progresses gently till the 6th minute where a beautiful arpeggio enters and takes the tune to new heights. Beautiful and wizardly crafted track. Clearly the highlight of the compilation. DJ Tomtron and Timm Liesegang are ending the compilation with Song For You (T9). Somewhat different tune from the rest in the compilation. Sort of Electro with Vocals and trancy leads. Can’t see much connection to rest of the tracks here but it’s not so bad, and serves nice as the last track.

Recomendation:  This is a proper summer compilation with some exceptionally good tunes and zero bad tracks. The compilation also varies with different styles of Progressive. From the crunchy night sound to morning and afternoon sound. A must in every progressive oriented DJ’s case and the home listener’s as well.
Favorite Tracks: 1!!, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8!!.

Review by : Pavel.

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