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 ( Peak ,  Jan. 2008 )

01 – Yab Yum Feat. Tanina Munchkina – The Chicken & The Egg - 1:28 02 – Yab Yum & Dhira – Pretty Good - 7:25 (148 BPM) 03 – Ajja & Apex – Cycle Derek – 7:14 (146 BPM) 04 – Rev – When It Is! – 7:37 (145 BPM) 05 – Aphid Moon & Apex – Robot Revolution – 7:04 (146 BPM) 06 – Mind Core – Venom – 7:44 (144 BPM) 07 – Organic Hybrid – Innately Psychedelic – 7:49 (146 BPM) 08 – Early Reflections – Kholi Tistrit (La Boîte À Bonheur) – 7:24 (147 BPM) 09 – Illegal Machines & Psymmetrix – Fuck Chill Out 2 – 6:14 (148 BPM) 10 – Lenz – Driven Crazy – 7:05 (148 BPM) 11 – Entropy – Hey – 6:20 (146 BPM) 12 - Master Margherita – Cosmic Poultry – 2:03

Peak-A-Doodle-Doo, is the 15th release of Peak Records crew. And once more, we are presented with a CD composed by a pool of artists very appealing to the dance side. We have some established artists as well have newcomers. This one is compiled by “London-based Peak spinner”: Apex.
But let us hear the “Peak-A-Doodle-Doo´s” of this CD:
We start with an intro (in fact a regularity in Peak Records) produced by Yam Yum and Tanina Munchkina. The Chicken And The Egg (T1), is, almost, in it’s whole some samples, and some distorted sounds of a chicken. The samples are the following: “What was the question again? Who came first?...hmm…The chicken, or the egg? But what egg and what chicken, anyway? Oh, you’re talking about mister cosmic rooster and the egg of knowledge, I suppose, but check the chick…and the breasts cosmic or not, you’ll have to agree this ain´t no mister and therefore, it ain´t no rooster, you know what I am saying? She is a she…miss is a she a holy hen, giving light to the egg of universal becoming. Oh holy hen!”.
Next we move into Yab Yum and Dhira, with Pretty Good (T2). This tune is groovy, full of rhythm that confers a very danceable side to it. Expect some electrifying leads on the style of Yab Yum – if you know their style, you know what to expect: fantastic music! Favourite.
Cycle Derek (T3), is the product of the compiler of the CD, Apex and Ajja, member of Yam Yum project. A track that explore more “dark” territories, mixed with some twilights sounds. We are presented with some “sponge” effects and some leads very similar to Yab Yum sonorities. There is also a part on this track very worthy of record that is almost at 5 minutes: a small brake, with a nice build up, that gives birth to a lot of conjured sounds and leads popping everywhere feed up by a good work on the percussive elements. Favourite.
Now we are brought into Israeli works with Rev with When It Is! (T4). The first thing that is noticed on this tune is the kick and bass – strong combo - expect also sharp acid leads from this project, mixed with some guitars riffs. Somehow I think the tune lacks something, maybe more variety on some sounds. Nevertheless it is a mature and well built track.
Robot Revolution (T5) is another track where Apex participates, but this time with the help of Jules Hamer - the person behind Aphid Moon project. This one I consider to be a festival monster track; it is well composed and it is has adult production. It jogs on a relaxed mood, and it is packed with lots of little sounds each one of them marking its position without overwhelming the others, and the leads constantly going up and down doing their job. There are some brakes that give the music a nice groovy feeling. This 144 beats per minute track really does wonders. This is my favourite track of the whole compilation.
Venom (T6) is the product of Mindcore. We come from a relaxed tune, the previous one, to one more energetic. This one is electric stimulating nerves and somehow touching fullonic atmospheres, with an electroid feeling – and it reminds me also a little bit South African type of sounds – some sounds are similar to Shift or Twisted System sounds.
Now comes Innately Psychedelic (T7) made by Organic Hybrid. This tune is absolutely mouth-watering. It has a strong dynamic and Russian stimulating type leads. The percussive elements also give a nice rhythm, maintaining it funky, and the ambient revolving around the tune runs in a dark atmosphere, almost with a space impression, surrounded by hypnotic elements, coming and going in spirals. It is one of those tunes you go looking for your brain, because this one is really stimulating and challenging. I dig very much the assembling of the various leads, which complement each others, where one begins another one finishes it. Favourite.
Khoali Tristrit (La Boite A Bonheur) (T8), is the product of a duo: Early Reflections – Olivier Charpier and Wilfried Decaesteker. Once more we are brought into a very energetic track, with some nice sounds. One thing you can feel on this track is the work on the hats that make a nice combo with the works on the leads.
Now the following track is the work of 3 persons: Fabien Mournetas, Alastair and Richie Elemes, that compose Illegal Machines and Psymmetrix projects. Fuck Chill Out 2 (T9), is from the CD one of the most energetic and tricky tracks of the CD. But what can you expect when we have 3 brains working in simultaneous to make music? Like I said before, energy is the key word for this track, and indeed it is true, there are lots of small leads, and tricky works on the percussive elements, brakes, rolling drums all in a good symbiosis. The leads in here are quick and fast, that confer a harmonious atmosphere into the track.
Driven Crazy (T10) by Lenz is one of the craziest tracks I have ever heard in terms of works on the percussive elements. The track in the first part has lots of power some crazy leads and some hypnotic elements that twist your ears, with some very thin sounds; the second part of the track, which begins at 3:30 minutes, is where the craziness begins: the kick begins to speed up seeming that will never stop! Then at 5:05 it ends this climax of rolling drums that were accompanied with some acid lines and it returns to the first sonorities of the track.
And so we reach our final trance tune of the compilation: Entropy with Hey (T11). If you know Omer Yulevich works, then you know what to expect. It has his peculiar touch, but it also has the Israeli madness on it. This one is a little bit more “metallic” and industrial than his typical works.
And we reach our final track with Moreno Antognini that is the person behind Master Margherita project. This is the Outro track that like the intro revolves around some chicken distorted samples, and some, it seems to me, some voices also very distorted.
The mastering of this compilation was made by L. Hoffman aka Chromatone.
The artwork and design was made by Ajja and Tanina Munchkina. Once again we are presented with a delight for the eyes. Peak is alabel that embrasses the production of a psychedelic CD very profoundly and presents quality for the ears never leaving aside the quality for the eyes. The cover is fantastic.

Recomendation:  I just want to say that this fifteenth release of Peak Records only comes to prove that Peak is a solid label and delivers quality music. This CD touches realms of more industrial and metallic sonorities, but the psychedelic, the dance and groovy side is always present. If you are a collector of their music this is a CD not to loose.

Favorite tracks:2, 3, 5(!), 7.

Review by : a3k

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