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March 13 , 2025
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Paste - Marmohr 12"

 ( CreamCrop ,  2002 )

A. Marmohr 7:23 B. Pastete 7:06

Marmohr on the A side offers a bit of a change from the Paste I've heard till now. Still very minimal but with much more meat to it- strong atmosphere and interesting story. It start with a massive and catchy bass-kick and an overall happy rhythm. Strong atmosphere here and a multitude of cruising spacey sounds. The rhythms keep changing and the beautiful tabla-like voices or voice-like tablas create a beautiful morning feel. Good minimal morning work.
Pastete on the B side is a more typical Paste tune, dark and mysterious in atmosphere, a lot of echoing percussion mishmashing around and into each other and a lot of changing rhythms. Some flying crunches and very very minimal dark melodic touches added to the mix, and in the end you get a catchy jungly groove that saves the tracks from being boring. Nice, but not enough of a story for me here.

Recomendation:  One very good track for the dawn, and another to fill some empty dark moments.

Review by : Shahar

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