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March 13 , 2025
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Parasense - Past Present Future

 ( Crystal Matrix ,  Oct. 2003 )

01 – All Drum Possible - 7:34 (146 BPM) 02 – Live Form Vodka Fx – 7:03 (145 BPM) 03 – Insomnia - 7:37 (145 BPM) 04 – Love To Hate – 7:40 (144 BPM) 05 – Amazon Travel – 6:43 (144 BPM) 06 – Vesna – 10:21 (127 BPM) 07 – New Year Rabbit – 7:09 (144 BPM) 08 – Nuddle Doodle – 7:22 (144 BPM) 09 – Label System Rmx – 6:26 (146 BPM) 10 – Linda Rmx – 5:01 (110 BPM)

Past Present Future is the second official release of Crystal Matrix, a Portuguese label, that dedicates to make parties and started to release music around 2003, and goes till date with some releases already.
I was reluctant to find this CD in a shop near me, because it was an album, that was available to get through psyshop, or if you went into some of the parties of Crystal back in 2003/2004, and it was something I was searching for a very long time. And also nowadays I am searching for everything that has Zolodarenko´s “hand” involved – so it was a very good buying, because of the presented music in it and also considering it cost only 6 euros – a great buying!
Past Present Future is an album that revolves around the spectres of Parasense music, some from present day, and showing the direction, the future of their music, but also some of older works, some coming back from 1998.
But let us see what the “time” brings us:
All Drum Possible (T1) begins with a very strong kick, reminding me the old Goa Trance feeling – reminiscences - but the leads that enter after this, touch other realms: night music at its best! There are several leads, and I cannot stop to feel that sensation I get on Zolod music’s, that ambiance, that merging, that imbuence with the sound but this time it goes more industrial. It is an excellent opener, and besides if you listen carefully you will find yodel music in it. Produced in 2003.
Live Form Vodka Fx (T2), is the lady that follows - hypnotic and deep track. The main energizers – the twisted leads - create a great environment. A spiral voyage into electronic abysses, and unravelling of new discoveries in the sounds, at each minute going by. I detach also an interesting work on the hats combined with the leads on the more dynamic part of the tune: simply acidic! Produced in 2003.
Insomnia (T3), recalls me a lot of the atmosphere I find on the post hummus album of Zolodarenko – Deja Vú Fabrique. It begins on a smooth way, and it has very distinct moments through its existence: some acid parts, some melodical interventions, and sometimes it goes deep – very deep, creating an absence of almost nothing around me except the track. Favourite. Produced in 2003
One thing that is noticed in the following track is the work on the percussive elements. Love To Hate (T4), continues the great work on the environment sounds, but in here it searches more weirdo landscapes. I mean, Parasense project is able not also to deliver a smooth ambience, but also some twisted, weird leads that fit together all very well. Sometimes we also get a trashing feeling in this tune – and we have also some “guitar on flames” sounds. Produced in 2002.
Amazon Travel (T5) is probably the only track I didn’t enjoyed on the album. It is way to minimalist to my tastes. It has some interesting sounds here and there, but the conjunction of all, but it simply doesn’t turn the “heat on” for me. And besides I find one particular sound very annoying to me. Produced in 2000.
Vesna (T6) is the longest track of the album with 10:21. The first time I heard this track it seemed a regular trance track, with the BPM´s revolving around 144, but when I saw the BPM counter it marked 127! Nevertheless this one is a TRANCE track! And it is a Pandora’s Box: full of surprises, first the sensation on the slow BPM, then the surprise of the used sounds, it has some “concertina” in the beginning going to popular folklore realms; and also the simple use of the sounds – in here we don’t have sounds overwhelming one another, but each has their right place! Also we get a very nice beautiful melody! This one is simply stunning, and recommended. Favourite. Produced in 2000. It seems we are immersed in the track…like almost swim in the layers of the music!
After the swim of the previous track, we are introduced into New Year Rabbit (T7). I have already heard 2 versions of this track: the sang one and this one. It seems this one replaces the part of the singing of the other version I have heard. It has some electrifying leads almost like composing for the climax we hear at 4:28 - at this point the track suffers a twist and becomes very joyful and open to the danceable side of trance. Favourite. Produced in 1998/1999.
Nuddle Doodle (T8) was one of the first trance tracks I ever listened to. Of course back in 2000 I didn’t know the name of the track, but I knew it was Parasense (it was an old CD recorded from a friend of mine with no info what so ever - only the artist name). And I fell in love with the track back then, and I still enjoy it a lot. I think the main characteristic of this track, and what pops right into the ears is the Japanese melody – I don’t know, but it reminds me the movie Karate Kid. I simply love the flutes! And the psychedelic around it is simply superb! Favourite! Produced in 1998.
Label System Rmx (T9) is the fastest tune of the compilation with a BPM of 146! Pretty fast? Well this one starts with some soft leads – like a warm up. This one isn’t multilayered; in fact it is simply and very well “assimilated”. No need to create a thousand leads to make it confusing. The part at about 4:43 is simply blissful! Once more, here is another track that reminds the mood of the Deja Vú Fabrique album. Favourite. Produced in 1998.
And so we reach our final track of the album: Linda Rmx (T10). We end this journey through Parasense time with a down tempo tune. Produced in 1999.
The mastering of the CD was made by Harida @ Nazca Music Studio.
The artwork was made by Lanata, and I must say it is a great work and a delight for the eyes.

Recomendation:  Although this is an old release (2003) it has some great pearls of Parasense music. If you are a fan of their music this is a must have, especially because it covers various times of their discography. And I believe that a lot of producers should also consider hearing this pearl, because it shows great maturity in the composition, and immense talent on the making of the music, searching for other realms, that I believe aren’t searched any more in present music, and should be explored more often, besides the ultra supper killer night music, that we here in almost every CD that is released.

Favorite tracks:3, 7, 8, 9.

Review by : a3k

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