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March 13 , 2025
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Ozmali - Forest Fusion

 ( Ozmali ,  May. 2009 )

1. Night Travelling 8:26 2. Serafijn Dansen Verboden 4:25 3. XXX 3:59 4. Martial Arts 5:50 5. Helios rmx 5:48 6. Dancing with Daemons 8:44 7. Petite Chevre 7:40 8. Psiegedelies Kunstenaar 7:35 9. Vaxac Kawak 6:22 10. Kata Rei 7:38

(T1) In a forest far away, but close enough to be seen with eyes closed, a man calls on mysterious subtle forest sounds and in total peace as they pass your feet in a soft and delightful sluggish manner. The tempo is for comfort, and the background score feels shushed and well balanced to compliment the beautiful melody work. (T2) Beats gain some weight and insects please your ears to bring giggles and smiles of awe and amazement. The birds call upon the aliens for landing and the deep dripping drops flow through caves of clean and moist darkness to create the mystery we all depend on. A voice speaks of strange tokens of orgasmic notions while the forest becomes alive in all its glory and pride with wind and falling nuts. (T3) A funny jumping elf steps in awkwardly trying to solve a puzzle he set up for himself. For who is to say self made puzzles are easy to solve when wooden sprinkles are flowing in the stream of minor unstable confusion with high technological electric dust floating in the fuzzy air? (T4) Melodies starts to play with the mind, the mood is prankster like while being light on tippy-toes, dancing around in a space ballet of decibels and door cranks. Monkeys scream their laughter to lighten the strange static mood. (T5) The ding and dongs roughen the vibe by implanting heavier beats that walk like elephants on a warrior path of wisdom and affirmatives, while squeaking birds and snakes join their trail to achieve higher knowledge of the jungle. Flutes play by the insects' sign and the call of Shiva begins to melt. The mood creeps on strange walls while the elephants raise their trunks to signal Kali of their presence. Where "you and I are going to spend the rest of our life" (T6), so that the trippy patterns might appear in a holier temple of laser guns and female protection. The drift is steady and the ride is hefty, what one wants to expect is inside glass tubes and hermetic jars of stained smell and cool loops that take you on a different ride that might shimmer your head slightly to the right. Crickets alerting of pleasant and strange moods while the effects trances the stomp in weirdness. (T7) The beat gets a gentle pat on its back to slow its confused pulse down to a centered stage and the rattling of the shore stones softly caresses your toes, while birds play their alien signalizing tunes to direct their flight into a star. Keep on pumping and stomping to reach that higher ritualistic dimension of Mother Nature. (T8) There isn't any bullshit left, they're fresh out of that ... The ultimate goal? Maybe world peace and love in tribal rhythms. (T9) Harsher times of splitting atoms has arrived, a craving for chocolate crickets to feed on the everlasting hope is swirling in a demented cloud. The sprinkling rain feels pleasant on the skin and the splashing on your cheeks feels like a fresh breeze sent to you by a computerized wizard from Amsterdam. (T10) As the tension builds and creeps, a movie theme comes in to deliver a script on how to make the evil dead, and deranged tales of drum'n'roll inside the world of Cimmeria in some cosmic tones land us on planet bliss where one can sit down, relax and dry off sweat made through ritual dancing in the Ozmali forest.

Recomendation:  Ozmali from Holland, released on his self titled independent label, filled with strange jungle rhythms and space like noise. An album that floats as one mixed DJ set but manages still to give people a chance to play their favorite tracks on their own decks if that is their wish. If you're after some new blood that delivers trippy stuff between trees and bushes, you should defiantly check this one out because it delivers something special - that's for sure.

Favorite tracks:1(!!), 2(!!), 3, 6(!), 7(!), 8, 10.

Review by : Psytones

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