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March 14 , 2025
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New Religion

 ( Spliff Music ,  Mar. 2005 )

1. Elec3 feat. Anna K- Define Yourself 8:01 2. Safi Connection- Love Song 6:24 3. Liquid Phase- Don't Know Me 6:33 4. Tox- Pooah 8:32 5. Alternative Control- Our Reality 6:10 6. XSI- One Day 7:26 7. Jirah- Flow 8:30 8. Freakulizer- New Concept of Reality 7:03 9. Goma- Karmel 6:50 10. SBS- Lia Space 7:31

Another nice release arrived at my mail: Compiled by DJ Osho and released by Spliff Music, New Religion is a complete journey through the psychedelic morning landscapes... Spliff Music is a well established label, having released the new Safi Connection album and 6 compilations... The CD cover and was made by Nirsucar and is mostly in red tones featuring a woman's face... The CD is also red with the same image... No BPMs or track
time is written anywhere.

This release starts in the right way: Elec3 bring us a powerful, but still smooth track, filled with psychedelic noises and the wonderful voice of Anna K... This track works perfectly on dance floor and is also makes me fly at home. Congratulations Igal & Roman for delivering such high quality and good taste production. Safi Connection is always producing something different... This time we got a nice morning tune, with the same sample through the entire track: "Love..." (T2)I like it... Liquid Phase brings us the faster track on this compilation, 147 BPM, but still very danceable... Another different and psychedelic track, some guitars, good melodies and effects, a pinch of flute notes and a well chosen sample from the movie Matrix - Reloaded. Pooah (T4) starts with a long slow intro, after the first kick we notice that having three BPMs less than the previous track doesn't make Pooah slower... This is the famous 'Bass Effect'. After a while the guitars show up... Some distortion thru the riff makes it a little more acceptable (I'm not a big fan of tracks that rely on guitars). Good melodies and drive, much more palatable and discrete guitar making up a psychedelic environment. Alternative Control's track is steadier, trick samples and nice atmosphere. Lacks a little bit of power, but fits very well this morning compilation... Don't know who XSI is, the CD inlay says they are 4 people, but they surely had a lot of work in doing this track (T6)... I love the effects/melodies on this track. Great effects, the melodies fit perfectly with the voices, many layers of sounds and a good Kick/Bass combination it makes me dance! Keep it up! Next track is Jirah - Flow one of my favorites, this track embodies the morning spirit: lot of melodies and the right dosage of power for the morning time... High quality production, nice woman's voices and the last break makes wonders on dance floors! Innovative ideas in the bass flow and the way the melodies are placed. Great track! After this Jirah track, it's a great responsibility to keep the level up and, arriving with an extra dose of power, Thujon show us he can deal with this kind of situation... Another good track, nice samples and more melodies along the breaks... I think it's a good track to start a morning set. The 'Melody King', aka Goma, is back with another release (T9). This time the track is powered by a new bass line and believe me or not, the lowest BPM of this compilation fits perfectly with the melodies and the atmosphere of this morning tune... In the last track SBS bring back the 145 BPMs... Steady track, good snares, many sound layers, more effects and a rolling bass line... The end is packed with a strong atmosphere... Good one!

Recomendation:  This release bring us well-crafted daylight music, some more melodic, others with an extra pumping, but all of them joyful to dance to. Another good feature of this release is that it's perfect for home listening as well. Now if you're a DJ looking for something different, not well known, but still effective at the dance floor, try out my favorite tracks from this compilation, they won't disappoint you.
Favorites: 1(!), 2, 6, 7(!), 8, 9(!) and 10. What can I do? I love melodies!

Review by : full_on.

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