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March 13 , 2025
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Meller - Rocakble

 ( Tribal Vision ,  Nov. 2005 )

1. Rockable (6:29) 2. Fatboy (7:36) 3. My Favourite Man (5:44) 4. Phase Nacht (8:32) 5. Aurora (8:16) 6. Rockable (NASA Remix) (10:25) 7. Fatboy (Rinkadink Remix) (6:43) 8. My Favourite Man (Tegma Remix) (8:43) 9. Phase Nacht (Etnoscope Remix) (7:28) 10. Aurora (Vibrasphere Remix) (8:10)

Meller are Marco Scherer and DJ Mel, and this is their second CD release, after Solar Drums on AP Records. I remembered the name from their previously released tracks - Valhalla, on Urban Legends (Tribal Vision) and Knörz Dragon Tales 3 (Tatsu Records).
The CD itself is a weird combination. The first half is five tracks by Meller and then the following five tracks are the same tracks, in the same order, remixed by others. It's a great opportunity to listen to two versions of each track and gives a better look into the sound of the tracks. Another nice thing is the option to compare the two versions and see how different or alike they are.
The first half is more spacey, easy listening, with a lot of electro influences (such as (T2) My Favorite Man) and a lot of vocal samples. Most of it is not what I will consider dance floor material, but something more enjoyable at home. The music is enjoyable, though some tracks do need getting used to or some post listening appreciation. I could definitely hear influences of other artists on Meller, with some very similar sounds, concepts and styles. The second half is more energetic, more dance floor oriented and I did find myself dancing at home to some of its tracks. Sound-wise, this part is more mature and seems better produced than the first. It seems like some tracks of it simply point out the small flaws in tracks of the first part, and others point out the better sides of the tracks in the first part. Both parts are very enjoyable and diverse, and all tracks, without exception, are good if not better. The concept of the two parts is something I at first disliked but learned to really appreciate and enjoy.

Recomendation:  This is an enjoyable CD, a little different than the average releases we see these days. The tracks diverse through many styles and ideas and each on its own is good, but as a whole, the CD is lacking some connecting string, some path to follow. I'd rather consider it as a group of good tracks put together on a CD than a release.

Favorite tracks: 3!, 6, 7!

Review by : Karnaf.

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