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March 14 , 2025
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Lime Light

 ( Tribal Vision ,  Apr. 2005 )

1. Jaia vs. French Kisz – Drifting Planet 126bpm 07:15 2. Rai – Liquid 130bpm 08:32 3. Vision & Canedy – Collected Vibes 130bpm 08:41 4. Minilogue – Leloo 131bpm 08:54 5. Flowjob – Cloud Politics 130bpm 09:22 6. Holm & Andersen – Cityrain 132bpm 10:46 7. Ticon – Reflections 135bpm 08:23 8. Leo – Music Design Revolution 133bpm 08:51 9. Shuma – Illektro Music 132bpm 07:41

Tribal Vision is a progressive Czech label which I’m starting to really like. This is their second release, after Urban Legends which was released in December 2004. If I thought Urban Legend was a nice compilation, then this new one is a very good release. One of the more enjoyable ones for me lately.
The compilation starts with Drifting Planet (T1) which is a slow track, with some more energetic parts, but mostly mellow and relaxed. Next comes Liquid (T2) which adds some melody and more funk to the music. The name suits the track as it flows like liquid with it sounds all around. Collected Vibes (T3) by Vision & Canedy is one of my least favorite tracks in this compilation. It is a nice track, but it a little boring for me. Minilogue come next with Leloo (T4) which is a pumping, energetic, and deep track and causes everyone to groove. Cloud Politics (T5) follows with much more energy and vibe. It is a very good track, with great sounds and samples. Clearly one of my favorites in this compilation. Holm & Andersen with their Cityrain (T6) put more bass into the music and caused me to reflect in nostalgia about good music from a different era. A nice, if somewhat darker track. Ticon bring us Reflections (T7) which is another great track on this compilation, with some electro beat and sounds to it. We are getting closer to the end of the compilation, with Leo with Music Design Revolution (T8). Darker, edgy, meaner track than the rest here, yet somewhat housy as well. Should be played at night when no one is watching… Shuma with Illektro Music (T9) closes this compilation with a great track, so much different than the others. The electro sounds, the drums, the synth sounds, the distorted sound samples, a real treat.
I’ve had this compilation in my player for quite a few days now, and been playing it a lot. Even friends of mine who are not trance fans loved it. This is something special. I would also like to thank the cover designer of this compilation, for a relaxed, beautiful cover which somehow reminded me a little of the Beetles’ Yellow Submarine.

Recomendation:  This is a great CD from Tribal Vision records. Definitely a keeper for all progressive lovers and people who are ready to listen to the more mellow side of trance. Almost all tracks are really good, if not excellent, and even the order of them makes this compilation a case of something whole that is bigger than the sum of its elements. The gestalt way.

Favorite tracks:1, 4, 5!, 7, 9!!

Review by : karnaf

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