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March 13 , 2025
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Kintaro & DJ Miko - Hatikva

 ( radio/promotional release only ,  May. 1999 )

1. Hatikva 7:06 2. Hatikva (radio edit) 4:51

This track was made as a part of the campaign for the Israeli parliament of the Ale Yarok party, a party supporting the legalization of Marijuana. Regardless of the cause it was made for, it is about time someone did something with the Israeli anthem (this track is just that, a trance remix to the Israeli national anthem- Hatikva- 'the hope'). Hatikva served us well for a long time, but I think there is a new hope in Israel now, not so much of longing, but more for happiness, peace and joy, and this track expresses it somehow.

Now for the track itself, this is Hatikva 'Nitzhonot' style, but still it has something in it- the melody is there, and it is a strong emotional one, especially for those Israelis that have been singing it since they can remember themselves. It is a very powerful track, with very nice sounds (although they're computer generated). I haven't seen an Israeli trance-head that didn't have a wide smile smeared all over his/her face when he/she heard this one, and the same goes for most others who don't listen to trance regularity. Happy full on hopes!

Recomendation:  Well, if you find it- hold on to it, this is a rarity, maybe one day it will find it's way to some compilation.

Review by : Shahar

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