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March 13 , 2025
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Jess M - Digidelica

 ( Shiva Space Technology ,  2003 )

1. Uruq al Shaiba 6:29 2. Hednisphere 6:36 3. Whipstick 2:39 4. Coitus 7:13 5. Drumming Air 3:42 6. Lemon Petals 5:48 7. Cloud Stalker 5: 37 8. Tarn 5:32 9. Wild Islands 10:43 10. Heavy Grain 6:26 11. Cherrytwister 6:19

Jess M brings us, courtesy of SST, just what the name suggests, a musical vision combining the digital age with the Didgeridoo, that hypnotic Australian Aboriginal instrument that has so much vibrating power in it. The outcome is very interesting and fans of electronic music and the didg will be very happy to lay their hands on this one for sure.
It opens with a deep solo didg piece to get you into the atmosphere. We then get Hednisphere with an amazing emotional mellow flute melody on top of the vibrating didg and the caressing tablas- just so beautiful. Another short didg talk interlude takes us to Coitus (T4)- contagious tribal darbukas rhythms and ecstatic woman moaning, as the name suggests. The didg drums with air and leads us to Lemon Petals (T6), a beautiful and very trippy relaxed tune with strings and floating raw vocals, and the didg effect is totally hypnotic. I love it. Cloud Stalker is a minimal monotonic relaxed melodic piece that brings the rain in the end. Tarn (T7) is another gem here, again with mellow guitar melodies and the totally hypnotic and penetrating didg by Jess. Hits me right inside. Then we're teleported to faraway Wild Islands (T9) with the fast trancey tribal beats and hypnotic chants. Very nice one, but the production lacks. Heavy Grain is again a didg solo track, the best here, just close your eyes, turn up the volume and go and leave. Cherrytwister ends the album, another trancey piece, slower, with guitars- interesting, but it's all meshed up a bit too much.

Recomendation:  a very interesting meltdown of didgeridoo and electronica, a bit raw and the production lacks at some points, but there are some real shining moments here, which makes this worth checking, and for sure will make me follow future releases from this guy.
Favorites: 2(!), 6(!!), 7, 8(!!), 10.

Favorite tracks:2(!), 6(!!), 7, 8(!!), 10.

Review by : Shahar

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