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March 13 , 2025
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Intensity - Compiled by DJ Amito

 ( Nutek ,  Jan. 2009 )

CD1: 1. Bliss- Our World 7:27 2. Punchline- Cosmic Space 7:30 3. Winter Demon- Active Mode 6:31 4. Lost & Found- Bleeding Edge 8:12 5. CPU vs. Azax Syndrom- Examination of Time 6:50 6. Madnetic vs. Painkiller- Journey into Sound 8:16 7. CPU- Dark Energy 6:57 8. Highjackers- What is Real 7:24 9. Azax Syndrom vs. Bliss- Simulated Disorder (Absolum Remix) 9:09 CD2: 1. Mekkanikka vs. DJ Amito- Necessary E 7:10 2. Beyond Ecliptica- Hot Shot 7:31 3. Massive- Why They Look Like Us? 7:30 4. A-Team- Kawaii 7:29 5. Sirius Isness- Retro Life System (Biogenesis remix) 7:18 6. Painkiller vs. Pure Pressure- The Big Picture 7:55 7. Audio Hijack- Collective Evolution 6:42 8. Madmaxx vs. XSI- Creeping 8:38 9. Peace Maker- Turn to Dust 7:23

Let's go with this new compilation from Nutek Records, one of the more active full-on labels lately. Compiled by DJ Amito there are two CDs on offer here. All fine, but if the songs aren't any good, then there's no joy in having two CDs is there? Luckily that's not the case here. The overall style is full on, but that's no surprise considering all the artists on offer here. If you look inside the booklet you can see that CD1 is for the nightly hours and CD2 is for the hours of dawn. I didn't really find any difference in it at all, but hey, it's a nice concept. CD1 is very enjoyable and has lots of highlights for me. Bliss with Our World, the opening track, is great, especially towards the end. Winter Demon surprised me here with Active Mode (T3), a track that reminds me of old MFG/Passenger at times. Madnetic vs. Painkiller come up trumps with Journey into Sound (T6), with a massive bass line. CPU rips up the speakers with Dark Energy (T7), which has a great morphing bass line. Highjackers pound it home with What Is Real (T8), this one has drive, and then some :) The other tracks aren't bad either, but the ones mentioned are my highlights. This is starting off great!
On to CD2: Mekkanikka and DJ Amito ram it up your ears immediately with another pounding bass line and lots of drive. Beyond Ecliptica has a wonderful pad sound and is also pretty, well... intense. This compilation is really up to its name. Massive really does sound massive with Why They Look Like Us? (T3) and the crystal clear sound makes this all the more enjoyable. A-Team was a bit too busy for my taste, Sirius Isness’ Retro Life System gets remixed by Biogenesis (T5) and that one is great again. Tracks 6 and 7 are okayish, but compared to the rest they lack a certain something. Creeping by Madmaxx & XSI is great again with strong melodies. And finally track Peace Maker rams it home again with Turn to Dust, pretty busy but good melodies and drive.

Recomendation:  All in all, this is one intense ride. The name of the compilations suits perfectly. If you're looking for some great full-on to brighten up your day then this is one of the best out there at the moment. With two full CDs you also get your money's worth.

Review by : Acidhive

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