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March 13 , 2025
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Inspirazzia- compiled by DJ Zombi

 ( VP Records ,  Jan. 2005 )

1. Igal M.- Fall in Green 8:37 2. D-Sens- What You Want 9:13 3. Absolut- Elevent I 9:24 4. Qualia- Feedback 7:12 5. Vision & Canedey- Insane 9:06 6. V-Tunes- Girl 8:25 7. Sweat Attack vs. Klangstrahler- What Can I Say 7:48 8. Feuerhake & Okay- Move the Signal 6:23 9. Homer & Lazone- To the Unknown 9:36

I would start by mentioning the fact that DJ Zombi, who compiled this compilation, is a close friend of mine and as such has received both criticism and support from me over the years. I sometime pity my friends as I tend to feel freer to criticize them. After saying that, anyone here who thinks I may be biased in coming to review this compilation is welcome to stop reading it now. Really.

Now that the formalities are behind us, let’s talk about the real thing, about this compilation. I warn you in advance that this is something different. This is not one of those compilations that everyone loves, I don’t think it was ever meant to be one of those. In many cases popularity and quality don’t go hand in hand, and this compilation spells quality all over it. I am pretty sure it will get a certain amount of popularity as well, since there are a lot of people who appreciate good music and quality of production.
VP records was created as a sub-label of Domo Records especially for the housier part of the music, the not-so-much-trance style, and tries to tag itself as a label of good music, with no specific genre. This is why the music itself on this compilation is not pure trance as most of you know it. It is exactly on that thin borderline between trance and house with some tracks leaning more to the trance side of it and others more to the house side. Some tracks here are somewhat boring, I admit that, others are great, I admit that as well; it’s the nature of most compilations and life itself. You can’t please everyone, can you? I can say I was pleased though by most of the tracks on this compilation.

Recomendation:  If you’re looking for some intelligent music, something with quality and style, you’ve got it. You get stuff here from names such as Vision and Canedy, Fueurhake and Klangstrahler; you get new names here too, like Igal M. You get house, trance, guitars, vocals, the whole nine yards.

Favorite tracks:1, 2, 5!, 6, 7!

Review by : karnaf

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