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March 12 , 2025
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Insect Sun - Slow Dive

 ( Balloonia ,  Mar. 2002 )

1. Welcome 7:18 2. The Program 6:58 3. Slow Dive 7:02 4. All Things 6:36 5. Under 6:30 6. D-Vice 6:29 7. Mud-Dive 6:29 8. Life’s 7:06 9. Recall 6:24 10. Control 6:45

Insect Sun with few 12" and tracks on compilation that already gave a taste of his dark nutty music finally delivers a debut album, which I think was long due. This is a dark acidic and very psychedelic release full of sound and mind games, that might be a bit hard on the unsuspecting brain but grows on you as you go along, I promise This is the prefect example of totally psychedelic and non-full-on trance. It is for a reason that his tracks have been working hard here at the underground parties. Lots of flying alien scratchy sounds, squeaks and blips, and lots of surprises coming at you all the time.

You push play and get a nutty Welcome- slow and warm in sound, but hard and sharp and full of those flying psychotic sounds and a spooky dramatic atmosphere. It gives you a taste of what you'll get from this experience, but a softened one. The Program (T2) continues with great grooves that verge on funk, and a multitude of mind games splashed on a horse riding rhythm. Slow Dive (T3) get things serious- mechanic and totally psychotic one it takes you to a slow dive into an alien universe. All Things (T4) continues the mayhem with some happy crunch and a full house of scratching sounds and an ending that will make you smile. D-Vice (T6), already released on 12", is full of sharp dark sounds, in-your-face baseline, and a lot going on all the times- doors opening and closing, things from other dimensions coming in and out, sounds from out there fading and re-entering, creatures from other worlds. Life's (T8) is the most nutty track here- beware! Recall (T9) is another happy groovy funky slow piece, not a hit, but it just grabs and move your mind somehow taking you on your way out. Control closes the album, jumpy, sharp and squeaky.

Recomendation:  Excellent. Psychotic, twisted, groovy and different. A perfect blend of psychedelic mayhem and progressive groovy beats. Highly recommended.

Review by : Shahar

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