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March 12 , 2025
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Infected Mushroom - Bust A Move 12"

 ( Balloonia ,  Feb. 2000 )

A. Bust A Move 8:21 B. Disco Mushroom 8:46

From the already classical Classical Mushroom, Infected Mushroom's second CD, here is a 12" with the best two tracks of the album.

Bust A Move is a complex piece of music, with classical guitar, organs and pianos. The Mushrooms are showing in this real masterpiece how to make it different, they show how a track with so many elements that were so far away from trance, can make people jump like crazy- and they do- believe me! I've seen and heard this track work on people enough times. The Mushrooms are out to infect all of us: "Even if they infected us, it's about time we infected them", the sample goes. A beautiful rocking full on track that stretches the boundaries of trance music. One of the ultimate morning tracks.
On the B-side, Disco Mushroom, is my favorite in the CD. Starting with gothic church singing, going into vocal sound games, a lot of breaks, shroomy melodies, and a lot of groove. The break in the middle followed by a dramatic entrance, which twists around so slow and beautifully with a lot of surprises and changes. Yep, another one of those ultimate morning tracks.

Recomendation:  A must for every party!!!

Review by : Shahar

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