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March 13 , 2025
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Hibernation- compiled by Yuli Fershtat

 ( Iboga ,  Feb. 2006 )

1. James Monro vs. Dickster- Wash Out (Extended Version) 10:17 2. Yotopia- New Born 6:47 3. Morax- Out of the Blue 7:25 4. Ace Ventura- R.I.S.E. 8:49 5. Perfect Stranger- Bliss 8:11 6. Annarchy & Dickster & George Barker- Eargate 9:18 7. Sun Control Species- Push Through 8:34 8. Elegant Universe- Buggy One 6:34 9. Fish- Gotta Get On 8:32

First, I must say that in the last year I don't listen to new trance releases that much. There's so little I like and it's so much work sorting it out of the majority of releases that do nothing to me at all, that I don't bother much. I keep trying with some releases I get from labels and artists I had good experiences in the past, and with some recommendations from friends whose taste I trust, and occasionally I have some good finds.
This compilation was compiled by a good friend, Yuli, of BLT & Perfect Stranger, and came out in a favorite label- Iboga, and so of course I gave it a try, and found in it most of the things that I'm missing in all those releases I stopped bothering with. This compilation has vision, tons of feel and emotion, power, psychedelia, hypnotism, freshness & diversity- in short it has excellent trance music the way I like it. It also combines veteran and new artists that somehow all found themselves, through Yuli's vision, presenting us with a fresh combination I never really heard before- a new style of trance, if you want. Yet, it's a combination of the good of new trance and good old trance.
It all starts with veterans Monro & Trevor in the highly psychedelic monotone way that James Monro creates best. Very morning, very emotional, very happy. Great. Yotopia continue with a happy morning tune, sunrise emotions up in the air. Nice. Then Morax of Triac comes with a huge engulfing production that sucks you in at once and great grooves that makes you wanna move. Mr. Ventura next (T4) and it's... MASSIVE!!! Dark opening into a tunnel of sound, highly psychedelic, grabbing groove, sneaky sounds, and great percussive work- strong emotions- makes me want to dig hard, and pretty comfortable staying in the dark. Yuli follows with a big [nonelight- Bliss (T5) is just what its name suggests, it's my favorite here, and it is best for the best moment in the party for me- perfect sunrise track. Emotional tsunami with no aggressiveness- tears in my eyes. The second host of veterans- Trevor & Barker- with lovely Anna give us again a special grabby groove, deeply psychedelic and hypnotic with a scratchy edge- the veterans hit again. Sun Control Species follows (T7)- cute, but kinda passes every time I listen without me noticing it. Elegant Universe (T8) with Mr. Litvak finally delivering new music, something I've been waiting to hear from him for years. A beautiful optimistic melancholy that really touches me deep inside. Yuli & Zombi finish things with Gotta Get On- a monotone rougher tune, with more indoor feel to it. Didn't touch me much. Its end does, however, match perfectly with the beginning of the first track, which makes it perfect to put this CD on repeat and enjoy the ride continuously.

Recomendation:  Best compilation I've heard it a long long time. Lot's of amazing moments and no annoying ones at all. Together with Extrawelt it revives my interest in trance. A must have. Favorites: 1(!), 4(!!!), 5(!!!), 6 (!!), 8(!).

Review by : shahar.

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