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March 12 , 2025
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Heavy Machinery

 ( Hadshot Haheizar ,  Dec. 1999 )

1. Abra Cadabra- Nature Calling 9:30 2. Sandman- Illegal Business 8:40 3. Sinister Funk- Propulsion 7:13 4. Eat Meaterr- Neighbours 6:14 5. Screec- Schangel 8:43 6. Activate Morlack- Psai-sai 8:14 7. D.I.M.O- Modularis 8:40 8. Impact- Start Control 7:05

DJ Yaniv Tal, the man behind Hadshot Haheizar, compiled another compilation full of interesting and new sounds. Not always easy to listen to, but worth the effort.

Idan Kupferberg (Taran-Te, Babaganooshka) as Abra Kadabra opens this compilation with elecro-Didj works in Nature Calling. Very much like his track in Stereopoly, Hadshot's first compilation. Repetitive Didj topped with different nature calls- can be tiring if you're not in the right mood. The track comes back in the end of the CD, a minute after the Impact track ends. Serves both as a nice intro and as a nice outro. Then it's time for more weird stuff by Sandman, starting slow and spacey and turning idustrial, with dirty metal sounds. Home listening stuff, different than his recent album, Psycho Toons. Sinister Funk, the Israel-American trance connection, bring us Propulsion (T3), more interesting stuff- driving groovy drumming covered with nice psycho sounds. One of my favorites here. Eat Meaterr, Hadshot man himself, Yaniv, with a mysterious A.J., follow with Neighbours (T4), an industrial psy trance track- industrial sounds, trance spirit- a real nice one. Screec's Schangel (T5), is a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting a lot after the amazing Tribal Emphasis (on Resurrection compilation), this track is not on the same scale, but it's another nice psychedelic night track. Then it's Activate Morlack with Psai-Sai (T6)- OK, put on your riding boots, it's psychedelic horse riding time! That's the only way I can describe the bass line here. A very interesting ride it will be, very psychedelic, on the verge of melting your mind. Nice one. Follows D.I.M.O. with Modularis (T7)- Crunchy Crunchy!!! Tribal beat, minimal and groovy toped by scratching and crunching psychedelic sounds- this track is great and it all lies in generating these amazing sounds! Another favorite. Ending the CD (almost, don't forget the Didj comback) is a massive electro-tribal-heavy metal track from Impact- Relentless pounding all along, no mercy here. Really beautiful guitar work.

Recomendation:  Heavy it is! Hadshot stick to their tradition of hard psy sounds that stretch the boundaries of psychedelic trance. A very interesting release that you can easily roam in for awhile and not get even a little bored- you will need a break every once in a while, though- heavy as I said.

Favorite tracks:2, 3, 4, 6, 8.

Review by : Shahar

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