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Goods Carrier

 ( Brainbusters ,  Feb. 2008 )

01 – Voux Deux – Message To Japan - 6:49 (148 BPM) 02 – Onkel Dunkel – Dansk Sommer - 7:47 (147 BPM) 03 – Yab Yum – Doowop – 7:24 (148 BPM) 04 – Pahalu – Sudoku – 9:01 (148 BPM) 05 – Ocelot – Multiplex – 6:26 (148 BPM) 06 – Parus – Uran – 6:42 (148 BPM) 07 – Digitalist – It's Coming – 7:14 (148 BPM) 08 – Eitonin – Sawayaka – 8:01 (152 BPM) 09 – Gorump Peya – Full Changes (Tromad Feeling) – 6:32 (151 BPM) 10 – The Nommos – Supersonic Reconstruction – 7:26 (151 BPM)

Goods Carrier is the second released from the label Brain Busters. After having released Looney Tunes, a mixture between a promo compilation that you could download from their website, or buy the original CD, this time they bring Goods Carrier and this one is compiled by Spliffnik and Dana and they present us a CD full of strong names in the scene: Vous Deux, Onkel Dunkel, Yab Yum, Parahalu, Digitalist, The Nommos and more.
But let us see what this “bus” (the cover has a bus drawn on it), what goods, have been carried out to us:
Message To Japan (T1), is a collaboration track between Quasar, Dylalien (that together form the project Fractal Cowboys) and Manifest. It begins with some spoken samples that remind me voices from scientific movies from the sixties, and then, if you are familiar with Fractal Cowboys type of bass and kick, you will find that work in here. In fact, I reckon a lot of the facets of the group, the introduction of a lot of spoken samples are a trade mark of Fractal Cowboys. This track is full stomping leads, full of energy, twisted turns and nice build ups and we can also hear some samples from the Muppets Show: the “manha manha, manha manhana”; expect from this collaboration a psychedelic entertainment with a pinch of groovy and funny side. Favourite.
Now we are brought into the world of Onkel Dunkel with Dansk Sommer (T2). The person behind this project is Monno a former member of the group Grapes Of Wrath. The first time I heard this track, I fell in love with it. This one is smooth like a fresh breeze of wind in you face. The leads in this one are just awesome, some industrial sounds also, and they are all from extremely good taste, they take you to another place – it seemed I was travelling on top of a cloud when listening to this one. This fractal exploration is just fantastic. Favourite.
Now we come to hear a duo: Yab Yum with Doowop (T3). This track is a little bit more obscure from I am used to hear from this project, even the kick and bass are fatter and stronger then the regular work from them. In this track they explore other sounds from the ones they are used to work with. This type is more twisted, more aggressive, but they keep, It seems to me, the work on the electrifying type of leads which that is their trademark (and I risk myself to say this is work on the albino). The tricks on brakes and rolling drums confer a nice dynamic in the tune. Doowop track, like I said before, is a little bit different from the regular Yab Yum, but it is an interesting track.
Sudoku (T4) is the work by Parahalu and Sudoku is also the name of a Chinese game that revolves around playing with numbers in lines horizontals and verticals. This track is really danceable full of rhythm and groovy ness; it is one to get things moving on a dance floor. It is filled with little noises and nice melodies throughout the music. Around 4:00 minutes the track makes a twist, changing sonorities and slowing down the BPM΄s, and then at 5:25 it goes back to the initial sounds. One thing that has caught up my mind is the used glitch in here. I recommend this one for the morning. Favourite.
Multiplex (T5), is the work of Ocelot, and the man behind this project is Aaron Peacock. Aaron has dozens of releases and 5 length albums, and he still surprises me by the innovations and quality music he delivers, showing he is a very versatile producer. What to say about multiplex track? Well the first thing I noticed, is that the kick and bass of this track are really weird, in fact they are made in such a way, that the final result is a very big fat combination between the two elements. The psychedelic involving the tune is really trippy and acid. But in the overall I don’t like the bass and kick combination it sounds way fatter to my tastes.
Valentin and Mark Tarasov are the persons behind the Parus project. Uran (T6), is a very obscure tune, which has a strong vibe and nice wicked and twisted leads. I like very much the sensation I get on listening to this work – it has a creepy vibe, but at the same time it is power full music, very well elaborated. I mean this track isn’t heavy or requiring to much effort or attention to focus on it. The sounds are sublime and flow through you naturally. Favourite.
It’s Coming (T7), is the work by Digitalist. This one is raw power, full of iniquitous little sounds, sponge resonances but it is somehow a little bit minimalist; it has energy and nice dynamic conferring a positive attitude to the track.
Now we come to hear Eitonin with Sawayaka (T8). I personally never had heard anything from this project, but one thing has rally caught up my mind: this is powerful and muscular music – this is the first impression I get from this baby. Sawayaka is aimed for night territories; it is full of messy razor-sharp lines, ambiguous and chaotic sounds. This tune will make crack some heads on a dance floor. On a short note: the kick and bass are very strong.
Full changes (Tromad Feeling) (T9), is the product of Gorump Peyya. This one begins with some male samples, small clip of classical music on the mixture, and some distorted sounds. One thing that popped right into my ears was some samples of the sound of msn when someone logs in - very funny. But don’t let yourself be mistaken with all of this friendly sounds, that will repeat themselves more ahead in the tune, this one will turn into a very psychedelic one. Industrial sounds, crazy accelerated build ups and wicked changes in bass are the main dish. Favourite.
And now we are in the last tune of the compilation. The Nommos project, composed by Goa Gil and Ariane, bring Supersonic Reconstruction (T10). If you ever had the chance to hear any of his long DJ sets, you know what to expect from this. It begins with some male samples (like the predecessor) full of disordered sounds, and those sponge bubbles effect; some jagged leads, and even some sounds that remind me space sonorities (or at least the one we can hear on the movies related to space). Favourite
The Mastering of this CD was made by Adam Hohman at Parahalu studios, Hungary.
The artwork was made by Quasga. I must congratulate the artist because the idea of a psychedelic bus is really nice, and even on the dashboard of the vehicle the car key has a little Krishna. And another particularity I enjoyed was the marker that points the speed the bus is going is pointing almost 150, and the truth is most of the tunes presented on this compilation is almost 150.

Recomendation:  So to conclude my review I just want to say that this CD brings a lot of great music. One thing I have noticed on some tracks of this compilation is that they have putted a lot of emphasis on the kick and bass, don’t know if intentionally that the tunes were picked based these two elements or no reason at all, only because they were good tracks. I really recommend this CD because it has some nice moments of music, mostly for the night time, but 2 tracks, I consider that can be played during the day: the Onkel Dunkel, and Parahalu. This compilation is the second from Brain Busters and it shows a lot of work was made to put together all this artists and make a nice bus trip.

Favorite tracks:1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10

Review by : a3k

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