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March 2 , 2025
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Fuzzion - Free Tibet EP

 ( Boshke Beats ,  Feb. 2009 )

A1. Closer 7.01 A2. No Address 5.58 B1. Chordless 6.54 B2. Free Tibet 6.29

We are dealing here with a very advanced and extraordinary product of the new techno revolution that includes an essence of every kind of sound. When we say Fuzzion we think about many earlier releases in the respected Boshke Beats, as well as in other leading labels that presented us the sound of this talented Russian producer, Vladimir Kozlov.
This new EP on vinyl from Boshke Beats, brings lots of tricks and melodies on dry and minimal beat, which will be well accepted on many clubs. Every track is full of spontaneous compositions with different pads and melodies that in certain moments transform into effects and create the concept of the track. What personally thrilled me was the fact that unlike in previous releases, here Vladimir gave himself plenty of freedom to experiment. We can also discover many symphonic elements of strong ambient character that are connected to the techno style only by beat. It’s one perfect combination of different styles of music. I would be happy to DJ some of these tracks, on some of the alternative / chill stages on festivals.
Although I’m not a producer, I would venture to say that the production of this release doesn’t need many comments in any aspect. Everything is simply perfect. Crackling, crystal clear and treated with care. The length of the tracks, in my opinion, plays very important role and is strong enough for the mix.
The energy can be seen in every sample and emotional elements aren’t excluded either. And then the inevitable distortion in some parts will bring euphoria to the dance floor with what I call pleasantly irritating sounds. I simply love and fully support that kind of communication by sound. I also really like the vocal pad in Chordless. It’s like a strawberry on the top of whipped cream of some fine but complex dessert. If perfection exists, I’d describe it exactly like this.

Recomendation:  Well, I recommend the whole release, but I must choose a favourite, I’ll single out the tracks on the A Side- Closer, with its extremely emotional theme; And No Address, where also emotional moments dominate and make beautiful 6 minutes. Extraordinary record. Deserves lots of dancefloor moments.

Review by : Lara

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