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March 13 , 2025
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Future Prophecy - Shadows

 ( Big Foot / Helicon ,  Jun. 1999 )

1. Freak 8.20 2. Nomad in Space 8.10 3. Picture of the Universe 8.29 4. At the Rim of Chasm (part 1) 8.05 5. Dungeons of Wander 8.03 6. At the Rim of Chasm (part 2) 8.04 7. Reflection 8.16 8. Final Vision 7.55

Future Prophecy are back with their third album, and again there is a big change here compared with their previous release. To let you know what I'm talking about, the CD starts with A remix to X-Dream's Freak. I don't recall anyone else remixing X-Dream, actually it seems to be quite a big challenge to me- the two brothers Elazar from the Negev picked it up and went with it all the way through to create a very groovy track- quite different from the original- and as a consequence, a very groovy and most danceable album. From the first note (a rockish guitar riff) and the jump start beat entrance you know you will not be able to sit quietly while this is playing. The groove is there from the word go and seldomley quits, pounding percussion, stomping bass line, and that guitar riff… very X-Dream, very cool.

Nomad in Space (T2) start a discussion between various types of sfx till a nice beat break at min2.45 sets a melody (not too complicated) rolling. A nice build up at min5.40 creates a very powerful and darkish beat, a bit reminiscent of their older stuff.

Pictures of the Universe (T3) goes back to the X-dreamy motive. A jumpy start, mixed with Tim Schuldt style sounds (its hard to put a name on that whiny lazer cutting effect, but you all know what I mean, right?), and groovy bass line make up a very dance worthy track. That Tim Schuldt sound appears on most of the tracks here, and in most times is used to good effect but when it appears again in the beginning of ATROC part 1 (T4), it starts irritating. Nice War of the Worlds samples and a nice melody from min4.30 make up for it. The groove continues to increase and the final result is quite a dramatic track. Not much to say about Dungeons of Wander (T5), on with the pounding groove and percussion, sfx dialogues etc. Another War of the worlds sample starts ATROC part 2 (T6), how surprising. This track is very much like its first part and by now you are very familiar with the groove and sound of this album, and it seems to drag a bit. Reflections (T7) brings a welcome change, a mellow start and a slow building of groove, mixed with a nice psyche melody which continues to gain momentum till the end, all adds up to a really well put together track. Final Vision (T8) is a more cheerful piece as required from the last track, morning violins from start till end and a powerful beat make this a perfect sunrise number, a bit disco, it's exactly what you need to make you dance in the morning.

Overall it's a very nice album. It's a change in sound and groove for this act and they seem to have adjusted to it well. Although it drags at points and not very complicated, It has a few winner numbers (tracks 1, 3, 4 and 7), and it's a lot of fun listening to it.

Recomendation:  If you are planning a party, this is the CD that will make the participants dance. It's groovy and pounding and basically good fun.

Favorite tracks:1(!), 3, 4, 7, 8.

Review by : GuyShanti

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