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March 2 , 2025
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Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra

 ( Dark Prisma ,  Jul. 2006 )

1. Intro – Fasten Your Dippers 2. Frantic Noise vs Collapse - Shyshack 7:10 (146 BPM) 3. Frantic Noise – Spine Screwer 7:03 (145 BPM) 4. Frantic Noise vs Collapse – Ghost Call 7:43 (145 BPM) 5. Frantic Noise – The Glow 7:20 (146 BPM) 6. Megalopsy – Shit Winds 7:19 (145 BPM) 7. Frantic Noise & Collapse – Psy Fiction 6:34 (146 BPM) 8. Frantic Noise – The Boogieman Theme 7:13 (147 BPM) 9. Frantic Noise & Audiopathik 7:21 (148 BPM) 10. Shmaglers – Helioboy 7:03 (136 BPM) 11. Frantic Noise & Pragmatix – Done For Good 6:12 (82 BPM)

The Nordland Orchestra, is the 1st release of Dark Prisma Records, an argentinean label, which the owners are z1p (Matias Benamo) and Filter (Nicolas Dibernardo), a label that their goal is to release “intense and psychedelic sounds for the night”. Frantic Noise is one of the gang of Megalopsy, and this is his debut album, along with some collaborations.
The main idea behind this album is the Nordland Orchestra, which, through the words of it’s creator “is basically a trip through the deep and dark corridors of our minds” represented by the 10 entities of the Orchestra: Skyshack, Spine Screwer, Ghost Call, The Glow, Shit Winds, Psy Fiction, The Boogieman Theme, Lokutus Welcome, Helioboy and Done For Good.
This album took about 8 months on the forge to elaborate, and it surprised me, because of its depth…the 1st track is a pretty good example of what to expect of this album. Although it’s only 146 bpm´s the effects on this one give the sensation of a very more fast track…a lot of surprises on this one...a never boring track – and the used sounds are just delicious.
This album is night orientated, with bpm´s ranging from 145 to 147, with two exceptions, one with 82 bpms – kinda like the “outro” track, since we have an intro in this album - and another with 136; wicked melodies, and some reminiscences of goa are present through the entire album. This one is also like a full length album/track, I mean, the tracks continue where the previous one has ended, not even giving you the chance to see/hear that you are already in another track.

Recomendation:  My “favourite entities” are nr.2 (!!), 3 - this one with an interesting build up in the middle of the track - 5, nr. 6 with more acid sounds and more trippy, and nr.9 that is a collaboration between z1p and Audiopathik, a mexican project (and crazy one btw), that for somebody that is a conessoir of their sound, they leave their mark on this track – unpredictable brakes, powerful all the way, and has always, the psychedelic doesn’t leave any brain indifferent.
To conclude, I feel it is a nice album, good production, interesting ideas, very groovy, and with a little bit of fun – which is the case of the intro. For a dj, that likes to give a little bit of grooveness into his sets, and to keep the crowd always entertained – this is a must have. Also if you search for night music, besides the called dark one, this is the right one for you.
Ladies and Gentleman…fasten your diapers.

Review by : A3K

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