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March 11 , 2025
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Filteria - Daze of our Lives

 ( Suntrip ,  Apr. 2009 )

1. Filtertraces (abstract dream rmx) 10:16 2. The Big Blue 8:19 3. Wormhole 8:45 4. Eyeless Observatory 8:20 5. In The Heaven's Eye 13:46 6. Infinite Regression 8:44 (feat. Ukiro) 7. Earthrise 8:37 8. Float Away & Disappear 7:59

Suntrip releases Filteria’s third album, Daze of our Lives, as it had his previous two albums. With Filteria, you know what to expect; mad Goa vibes, lots of layering, and those warm fuzzy feelings reminding you of the days of yore. However, some things have definitely changed.
First thing that registers is the sound quality. The sound spectrum seems wider than in the previous albums, the music seems to have more room to breathe, which results in a very pleasurable experience. Without going into every track, there are a couple of tracks I’d like to put into focus. Filtertraces starts the album in a magnificent way. Progressive gets infused with a healthy dose of Goa here. It’s hypnotic, the storytelling is mesmerizing, layering is exquisite, and the climax makes you want to put the track on repeat. What a way to start an album. Eyeless Observatory (T4) is one of those tracks that are set to rip up dancefloors for years to come. Subtle use of key changes and effective layering gives this track enough variety to keep it interesting through the first part, but it’s the second half where the magic happens. Massive floods of energy are unleashed as it just pushes you forward through an aural wall of bliss. This is where the strengths of Goa trance become apparent; no other genre can summon this amount of sheer unchained energy and unleash it on a dancefloor. Unreal. Earthrise (T7) is another one of those tracks that take you by the hand and leads you into a world of majestic chaos. It’s frantic, powerful, haunting, driven, but above all, awe-inspiring. The climax is one of those moments where you feel like bursting out of your skin out of sheer euphoria. Goa doesn’t get any better than this. Float away and disappear (T8) gently takes you down after this inspiring journey in a lovely way. I’m truly smitten with this piece of downtempo goodness. It’s gentle, endearing, dreamy, melancholic and unbelievably well executed. I for one would love to see more dowtempo/ambient output from Filteria if this is an indication of what to expect. The album is, however, more than the sum of its parts. It’s a whole, and that is something I’d like to explicitly mention. The tracks which I haven’t touched upon are excellent as well, however, the tracks I’ve mentioned above are for me instant classics.

Recomendation:  This album has a lot to offer. All I can say is, if Goa is your thing, or if Goa was your thing and you want to be transported back to the golden days of Pleiadians, Etnica, Green Nuns, Infinity Project, etc., then this album will definitely be to your liking. Pure class. Get it while it’s fresh. This is bound to become one of the classics of the genre.

Review by : Timetwister

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