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March 13 , 2025
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est (first session)

 ( Doof ,  Apr. 2004 )

1. G-Light- I've Just Been Born 8:17 2. Vibra- Eatraordinair 8:53 3. Azax Syndrome- Nightmare 7:42 4. Nexus- E.D.T.A 7:34 5. Mechanix- Made in Moscow 6:47 6. U-Recken- Ghost Trip 7:25 7. Entropy- Kopsses Event (rmx) 8:01 8. Double R.E.L- Finished People 6:41 9. Wizard Lizard- Psy Joy 6:39

Doof records are back with a new set of two compilations that appear separately, but tell the same story basically. This is a bedtime story told for those who have problems with going to sleep, a nighttime tale with lots of twisted sounds and pumping basslines. All packed in wonderful cover and shipped with a DJ slip for your CD case, just in case you lost your way in the sonic mayhem.

This first session catches the ear immediately with G-Light’s I’ve Just Been Born (T1). G-Light is Russian native Max Vishnevsky and here he co-operated with Yana Kramich aka Shaina. The result is fast paced morning anthem, which won’t leave anyone off the dancefloor. Yana’s surprising vocals rip through the acidic lines and monstrous bassline and it’s more than a wicked idea. This whole tune reminds me a bit another huge vocal hit, Fly Agaric’s I see myself., although this one is more on the aggressive side. A worthy opener. And now we are moving to Brazil. Vibra’s Extraordinair is a bit slower and it’s a great example of how a good structure makes a tune much more than a collection of noises. Vibra show the typical Brazilian full on- intense, rich and kicking. Azax Syndrome (T3) are not a newcomers in the dark full on scene. Together with Winter Deamon and Psychotic Micro they are the leaders of this subgenre and Nightmare is a good example why. This is dark and scratching piece of music. All the needed ingredients that made this subgenre so appealing are present here. Evil guitar riffs, samples of ppl arguing or screaming and off course, a deep bruising bassline. Moving on to Portuguese based Nexus. E.D.T.A (T4) is a good continuation to the previous tune. It’s another digger filled with funky percussion games and very psychedelic sounds. The bassline is morphing constantly and gives the tune more live feeling. Mechanix released his debut CD- Illegal Dance- in Doof Records and his Made in Moscow tune (T5) was made in his typical style, which is very bright and groovy with surprising samples and percussion. All wrapped with fat bassline and thumping kick drum. This is as psychedelic as it gets. U-Recken takes us down a bit with slower and deeper tune Ghost Ship (T6). The name of the tune may suggest its character- filled with darkness and haunting sounds. Reminds me a bit Delta but more on the full on side. Very nice indeed. Event (T7) is actually a remix to an older tune by Kopsess and it was remixed by the same people by their newer Entropy guise. Entropy are releasing these days their debut album. This tune is a taster of what you’ll get in the album, a groovy piece with some tribal influences. The intensity grows as the tune continues, and it ends up as a massive digging full on track. Finished People (T8) by newcomers Double R.E.L is another intense tune with lots of surprising insane sounds coming all around. Hey, wait a minute, did I just hear a fart sound? The sound of this tune is little bit dry and over compressed for some reason. I’d like to hear it with more space. Psy Joy by Wizard Lizard (T9) is on the same vein as the previous tune but even scratchier and frenzy. Compared to this tune Hux Flux’s tunes sound like some cheesy club trance. This is some seriously Psychedelic stuff. Not for pregnant women for sure.

Recomendation:  Another solid Doof Records compilation. This time it comes with a brilliant cover art, and some very good and almost mainstream psytrance tunes like G-Light, and also with some absolutely crazy tunes in the end. This is a good pick if you’d like to hear some fresh ideas from Israel’s leading Underground label.
Favorites: 1(!!), 2-5, 9.

Review by : Pavel

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