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March 13 , 2025
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Electrypnose - Subliminimal Melancholies

 ( Ajana ,  Jun. 2006 )

1. Submarine 2. Neverending Story 3. Cordial Family 4. Mountains Landscape 5. Entre Palmeras 6. Tripad 7. Rozococie 8. Bozom 9. New Wave 10. This Is The Begining 11. 00-16

So, I got this promo CD and went quickly over its promotional data sheet, you know, that sheet of paper that comes from the label with the CD and has info about the release, the artist and the label. The words "downbeat", "experimental" and "acoustic" caught my eyes and I've decided to take the Blues CD that was currently playing in my sound system out and put this one in instead.

While the CD started playing I gave the CD cover a better look. I must admit that the name of the CD isn't appealing at all – Subliminal Melancholies is not such a happy name, now is it?. At least the CD comes with the dictionary definitions of these two words, for those who need it. But in some strange way, the name quite fits the CD, giving at some points a feeling of mild sadness, or if you will, arouses deep thoughts.

The music itself is good, with a lot of experimental sounds, mixing chill out, downbeat, ambient and IDM motives with electronic and acoustic instruments. It is apparent that the creator of this CD is a musician, someone who had learnt music in the past and not someone who is just playing with sounds. It is evident in the level of the music and the production. Almost each track is properly built with a body, and in cases, soul. Most tracks are clearly not tracks which you can appreciate from the first part of them, but tracks you need to listen fully in order to get the point of them. At times the music had reminded me of coral music played in some big old chapel, at times it was happier and naïve, like some futuristic music made in the 80s. Some tracks were fluid, streaming, wavy, like many tracks you'd expect to find in a downbeat CD, while others were more digital and erratic and more on the experimental side of music.

Recomendation:  this is clearly quality music, without a doubt, with some great tracks and atmosphere, though a little hectic at points. Know that if you get this CD, you might need some getting used to it because it is not an out-of-the-box gee-I-have-a-chill-out-CD solution for the chill out seekers. This is a disk to listen to, not just hear in the background. If you can, put it in your player, and devote your time and mind to listening to it, let the Subliminal Melancholy take over you.

Favorite tracks:6,7

Review by : karnaf

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