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March 13 , 2025
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DVD Geospirit 1 - Virtual Vortex

 ( Geomagnetic ,  Aug. 2006 )

01. Altom vs Chromatone & Phoenix Family - Metadimension - 144 BPM 02. Desert Dwellers - High Sensory Perception (Random vs Spook rmx) - 142 BPM 03. Chromatone - Mitochonria rmx - 145 BPM 04. Mr Peculiar - Crystal Myth - 145 BPM 05. Scorb - Thundermental (Redeux) - 147 BPM 06. CPU with Phoenix Family - Decentralize - 145 BPM 07. Neuromotor - Danger Hight Voltage (Rmx) - 145 BPM 08. Rastaliens - Evil Extraterrestrials - 142 BPM 09. Phoenix Family - Perpetual Sun - 144 BPM 10. Earthling & Phoenix Family - Killer Dope (Earthling rmx) - 144 BPM 11. Nomad & Jeremy Tsunami - High Volume - 147 BPM

This is the second psychedelic animation DVD by Geomagnetic.TV, a pioneer label in releasing animated psytrance journeys. The man behind these images is Dr. Spook (Nathan Vogel) who's a worldwide famous VJ,but also a digital video producer, DJ, music producer, teacher of computer animation and works with the creation of 3D interactive games and special effects for movies like this. It's a double release: a CD with 11 unreleased tracks (more than 79 minutes of music) and a DVD with more than 60 minutes of psychedelic images and colors, a non-stop voyage produced and mixed by Dr. Spook. The names of the artists involved and their music speaks for itself and I'm sure these images are worth a thousand words. The cover was created by Dr. Spook and shows a 3D image from the first clip on this release. The mastering was made by Chromatone.
The show starts with a robot speaking the sample and releasing something from his chest. The music is nice and the animation has its strong points, but I think blue is over used here. It would be nice to see some warm colors here. Anyway, it's a good entertainment to what all this dynamic changes on the screen together with a robot dancing to some nice tune. Next track (T2) is slower, but sounds faster, and even faster when I'm looking to the abstract changing images on the screen. The build up surely is effective on the dance floor and the fast changing images in the end makes me dance even more. Good work! Chromatone made one of the best tracks (T3) on this release. I loved the samples and the way they are displayed on my screen. Mr. Peculiar arrives with more colors(T4). We're in the middle of a jungle on an Alien planet and a strange creature is dancing above an energy pool. This is crazy and the Mr. Peculiar track makes is the perfect soundtrack it. Some weird 3D symbols are summoned by the alien creature's dance. Best clip up to now, and also amazing track. I think this is the animation that better fits the music. Scorb is one of my favorite night acts and this track (T5) is as good as his previous tracks. It has an involving atmosphere that surrounds me. To add even more psychedelic elements to this night tune the Doctor designed a mushroom party for this track. It's really crazy to see all those mushroom guys jumping and having fun! It must be perfect to see this clip at a party! Congratulations. CPU is a classic night full on act and the Spook managed to make an astral projection trip powered by his sound (T6). Astral bodies sliding all over the many psychedelic layers of sounds, interesting trip. Good music and visuals, the end is specially psychedelic. The Neuromotor track (T7) is the logical choice after the CPU, intense and electrifying, just like the skull on the animation and the track name. Good choice in the red tones and its mixing with blue when it looks like the two skulls are fighting. And we have a winner: another favorite track (T8), this time by Rastaliens. Well fitted sample "Extraterrestrial intelligence", because on the screen we're exploring an alien planet with different alien creatures, it seems they're fighting for territory or just sharing their bong. It's one of the track with fewer BPM (144), but also one of the most psychedelic. Next track (T9) brings a sample that says it all: "Like a perpetual sun..." It really looks like a sun in the middle of the screen emiting blue light and fractal tentacles. The music has a morning touch that I appreciate, and it's taking us out of our galaxy. Nice visuals and effects. The original Killer Dope track was released on Spun Records, but this remix (T10) is as good as it. Some different fractal images and a glimpse of a spaceship make me wonder what comes next. We're tripping to mother Earth, in a spaceship powered by music! All the elements from the previous tracks are here and they're all dancing inside a flying saucer! This is so cool! Astral projection bodies dancing in front of the sound system. crazy mushroom guys and robots on the dance floor and an alien DJ. In the last track (T11) the sample says: "This to be played at high volume, preferably near a residential area", so our space ship is heading to Earth, we can see our planet and it's beautiful. Tighten your sit belts we're going to land at San Francisco. The spaceship releases its passengers on the neighborhood. Doctor Spook himself comes to close the party in a real psychedelic event. Perfect ending, humans and aliens sharing the same dance floor.This release is a must have for any VJ. Also perfect to entertain and have fun (and trips) with some psyfriends.

Recomendation:  Recommendation: I recommend this DVD to all DJs and the ones who like psychedelic videos. It's perfect to be seen at a party. The tracks are good, but the psychedelic videos are something I'm not used to, so I am very impressed. Another good feature is that the CD has 11 tracks and more than 79 minutes of music, I wish all releases were this way...
Favorites: 3, 4(!), 5, 6, 8(!), 11(!).

Review by : full_on.

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