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March 13 , 2025
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Double R.E.L - ceREaL KillerZ

 ( Doof ,  Dec. 2005 )

1. Bomb Voyage 146bpm 8:10 2. Noize 'R' Us 148bpm 8:02 3. Freak When See's 150bpm 6:53 4. The Nord's Got A Virus 148bpm 7:45 5. Japanica (Osaka style) 148bpm 7:55 6. ceREaL KilleerZ 148bpm 7:43 7. Do Not Fuck with the Chuck 148bpm 8:22 8. Back in Business 147bpm 7:58 9. The Clone-X Effect 146bpm 8:41

Double R.E.L are the latest smashers coming from Doof Records, Israel along with Entropy, they are the flagships of the new Doof sound. Ariel Ram and Ariel Sela are the 2 insane culprits behind this intense project. The music is constantly changing, ever evolving and driving. Their previous tracks up to this debut album have been a psychedelic soup that just doesn’t stop from bubbling and boiling over the edges of the bowl. I had the pleasure to enjoy the entire album and more in their live set in early October 2005. First and foremost, this album to me is 100% dance floor, I find it hard to listen to it and not bounce around or wish I was hearing it on a big system, to me this is hardly home listening music.
We begin our journey with “Bomb Voyage” a hefty intro and a full on bass line that reminds me of CPU’s work at times, yet funnier and not as serious. The track develops and is marked with many twists and turns, good breaks and lots of energy throughout. We move next to “Noize ‘R’ Us”(T2). There is a really tonal sample (or synth?) in this one, it comes every once in a while and gives a different mood to an otherwise ever changing track, good track. The 3rd track, something in its atmosphere means all business, lots of percussion work, those electrified synths are working here full power, lots of power. Moving on to the next track – “The Nord's Got A Virus” (T4). I think this is the “meat” of the album around here; I like this one because the bass lines are more serious for most of the track, and I like the mood it gives. There is lots of stereo work, with scratchy sounds and breaks galore. “Japanica” is up next – this track will destroy any dance floor it’s played on. I remember this one from their live and the effect it had. Those little vocal samples in the breaks really make u smile and anticipate the oncoming coming slaughter. I like the gate work here. The title track “Cereal Killerz” (T6), is mayhem as well… in fact this track along with the previous and the next “Do Not Fuck With The Chuck” are probably the strongest tracks in the album. You got to love the insanely funny ‘Captain Crunch’ samples, this music is just funny at points and I remember this was the case while dancing. “Back in Business” (T8) also reminds of older CPU in its bass structure, the Ariels have their way of making you stressed with this one, lots of twists and turns. Lastly comes the “The Clone-X Effect”, while this album never relaxes, this is a pretty good track to finish off this kind of psy-mess. A bit more melodic then the rest, the final installment has a pretty cool story in and many levels to it.

Recomendation:  This is a solid debut album. The sound is high quality, the music is ever shifting, and the psychedelic meter reads above the scale. Not easy to listen to if you’re not at a party to my taste… but for sure something I enjoyed frying my brain to the max. The tracks work on the floor and I expect to hear a lot more from these two. Good work, recommended.

Review by : Surrender.

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