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March 13 , 2025
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Dissociactive - Total Transformation

 ( Sun Station ,  May. 2010 )

1. 3000 Modulations 147bpm 8:41 2. Bioreaction 145bpm 7:41 3. The Bog 146bpm 7:28 4. Time Sphere 145bpm 9:57 5. Stalker 144bpm 8:18 6. Cinder 145bpm 8:13 7. Unga Bakatunga 147bpm 7:18 8. Lissa in Wonderland 145bpm 7:23 9. 25th Frame Effect 147bpm 7:33

I had already heard most of the tracks on this album, but I must say that listening to it all from the official product really did change my perspective on the album and the artist himself. I, like many others on the scene, have progressed through time to find myself enjoying faster music, but even for those who are more into exploring fast sounds I say listen to this precious little bit of art.
To be honest, I wasn’t very aware of Dissociactive's work, but I took it upon myself to listen to some of his stuff, also to be able to compare his progression in this album to his older work. It is quite obvious that his music has evolved intellectually and technically. His tracks offer the listener a true mental challenge in the sense that he keeps pushing the boundaries and doesn’t settle at monotonic tracks.
The final product of this album is a conjuncture of many factors: the great ideas from Slavik, his understanding of the psychedelic minds and the spot-on mastering of the album.

If you haven’t taken upon yourself to listen to this bomb, I’ll try to put into words how my body reacts to this piece of geniality. The album, in my opinion, gains a lot with the overall cohesiveness of the tracks. Now, mind you, this doesn’t mean it’s monotonic or boring, not at all. This is where we find the real paradigm of this album and what makes it such a brilliant work. Despite the cohesiveness I’ve referred to before, the tracks themselves vary a lot, never giving you the feeling like you have heard it before. Even so, they flow perfectly together, which makes me think that the every single track on this album brings something new and different to the table but always keeping itself true and loyal to its theme, not being all over the place.
This sense allows the listener to enter into a trance-like state, induced by the continuous influence of the “foresty” vibes. When you close your eyes and truly feel the essence of every beat and every effect you can feel yourself being taken to places you have never been to before. I, for example, when totally immersed in the wacky sounds of the album, felt myself being taken away to a colorful forest where I danced happily. In conclusion, big time congratulations to Slavik and also a big “thank you” is due. Thank you for making me realize once again that music at the 144/147 bpm range can be incredibly tasteful and enjoyable.

Recomendation:  I know we’re going through rough times due to the global economy, but if you have a couple extra bucks to spare and want to enjoy a rich and powerful psychedelic experience I suggest you buy this CD. I’d buy this album in a heartbeat.

Favorite tracks:Honestly, this is a bit hard since I was really blown away by the album and every individual track, but to be coherent I’ll choose my three favorites which are the 1st, the 3rd and the 7th.

Review by : Joao Carracha

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