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March 13 , 2025
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Direct Out- compiled by Onyx

 ( Bionics ,  Dec. 2003 )

1. Electrosphere- Food for Thought 145bpm 7:57 2. Onyx- Raves in Paradise 145bpm 7:50 3. PTX- POS 51 145bpm 7:40 4. Onyx & PTX- One for Eight 148bpm 8:55 5. Bamboo Forest- XTraball (E-jekt remix) 145bpm 7:21 6. Chain Reaction- DMT Server 145bpm 7:21 7. Black & White- Magic One 142bpm 7:38 8. Experience X- Experience X 140bpm 7:46 9. Oforia- Atomix 142bpm 7:47

When I first got this compilation, I was a bit sceptical because the previous Bionics releases were nothing but average. This compilation is much better than I expected! Most of the projects here are quite unknown, but the names behind them already possess some experience.

The first track is Food For Thought by Electrosphere, and there isn't much thinking here. "Everybody to the dancefloor", says the sample. This one is a pure dancefloor stormer. Onyx starts Raving in Paradise with this killer track. Psychedelic melodies and background sounds are the idea here, and the amazing structure is the thing that makes this flow. PTX gives us POS 51- one of the best here in my opinion. This track is a bit more atmospheric and chaotic than the rest. The samples, even though kitchy drug related, blend is so well it's just a part of the track. Onyx & PTX join forces for the fourth track, but the result isn't the best, although I love that melodic sound in there. Next one is ,E-jekt with the remix to Bamboo's Xtraball. The original was released on Future Link. I'm not too fond of the original, and this remix as well, although it's much better. The sixth track, Chain Reaction- nDMT Server, is where the CD really kicks off. This is one groovy track, well built. Next is the Magic One by Black & White- a promising new act. This one is psychedelic and twisted to the bone, works for both the mind and the body. After grooving nonstop for the past hour, it's time to slow down a bit with Experience X. Slowing down, but not standing still. This one has melodies that will make you wave your hands in the air and feet move to the beat. Oforia puts an end to this compilation. The usual Oforia track - I think I've heard it before.

Recomendation:  Quite a surprise from Bionics. This is different, refreshing, quality full on. A must have for DJ's and for listeners as well. We're going to hear a lot from the artists featured here in the future.
My favorites: 1, 3, 4, 6- 8.

Review by : Mike A

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