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March 14 , 2025
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Delirious - Break Point

 ( HOMmega ,  May. 2005 )

1. Break Point 144bpm 8:20 2. Flshbacks 147bpm 7:17 3. Back 2 Black 145bpm 7:34 4. Beat Conductor 145bpm 8:03 5. Day Dream remix 145bpm 7:02 (with Astrix) 6. Paradise City 143bpm 7:57 7. Hypnotic 145bpm 8:14 8. Innerface 144bpm 8:49 9. Microsonic 145bpm 7:42 10. Minimal Vibe 140bpm 7:40

Delirious is a project by Arik Maymon and Avi Harush, and this is their second album. They're members from Hommega crew for a while now. The cover is beautiful and full of details showing a woman with some discrete light effects. The mastering was made by Domestic and is very good.
Right at the first track I feel that my dancing journey will be joyful.Different and interesting melodies, high quality production and well placed samples. I missed the melodies of the start in the end. Anyway, they choose not to put them there for a reason, maybe because they wanted to make things different and I respect that, this track is very good. Second track is energetic and bring us some "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" samples. More melodies and even a taste of the melody from the previous track, which makes the album sound as a whole. Beat Conductor(T4) is another favorite here, good taste on sample and melody choices and a powerful build up. What else I need? Only a bottle of water to refresh me as I dancing to the next track, a powerful remix to their collaboration with Astrix. It's a joyful track, one of my favorites. Paradise City (T6) is a beautiful track with overused samples from the movie "Waking Life", a bit slower but the same style as the previous tracks, nothing else to add. Next track makes me dance continuously, Iīm always waiting for the "boom" that never comes, thatīs the idea behind hypnotic. Innerface is an already established dance floor hit, I already heard it at some parties and it sure makes me dance, as the melodies unfolds the emotions arise... Good track. Microsonic (T9)comes with more melodies and breaks in the Delirious style, this album shows us this style very well, and this track is nice I like it. And to close the album we have Minimal Vibe the track with lowest BPM, but packed with a powerful bass that makes me dance and nice layers of effects.
Solid album, concise style and top notch mastering. Inside this piece of plastic you'll find 78 minutes of music, this shows Delirious guys respect their fans. I think it lacked a little innovation, tracks look similar, but on the other side this makes the album sound continuous and itīs Delirious style...

Recomendation:  The album is good for home-listening, I recommend it if you like Delirious style and if youīre looking for something to mix with the groovier side of Hommega, like Pixel and Sub6, some tracks here will do it.
Favorites: 1(!), 4, 5, 8, 9, 10.

Review by : full_on.

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