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March 13 , 2025
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D. Bastitatos - Weeper on the Shore

 ( Cosmic Leaf ,  Jun. 2009 )

1. Under Pressure 5:30 2. Weeper on the shore 5:17 3. Night Diving 5:06 4. Just the sea 6:07 5. When the clouds come 4:52 6. Diving 6:01 7. Beyond the ocean 5:38 8. Underwater Dub (Letter to Egypt) 5:36 9. Driving (Cydelix rmx) 4:21 10. Vin Del Mar (Remix for Red Eye Express) 5:48 11. Hoover (Zero Cult rmx) 6:30

Cosmicleaf records, are known to me for their not so conspicuous cover arts and mediocre output of music, with the only exception being the really interesting act Zero Cult. But being spoiled with so much great psybient, I have never really gotten into their albums in the deepest sense. So it was a bit of a surprise to me when I listened to the samples for Dimitris Batistatos album, Weeper on the Shore. They instantly caught my attention and I never hesitated even for a blink of a second to lay my hands on his release for a review.
First of all it should be clear to everyone that this is not a cohesive ambient excursion. This is more to the lounge side of things. So it is not really psychedelic music in that sense, but it does rest on the border between the two. It’s eight tracks (not counting the three remixes) each standing on his own, varying in style and genre. Relaxing and soothing, never requiring any direct effort to enjoy. Just don’t expect any psychedelic soundscapes.
Starting with a light and happy loungy track, Under Pressure, which ironically takes away any pressure you might have had. The title track Weeper on the Shore (T2) is a more grasping experience, with amazing swirling flute tunes accompanied by tambourines and adorable piano melodies. It doesn’t make me weep but it sure sets me in a humble state of mind. Just the Sea (T4) does manage to captivate the essence of floating around in endless waters, with its astonishing female voice samples, flowing guitar strings and fairytale-like array of tones. When the Clouds Come is in fact quite a psychedelic track, leaning towards the melancholic side with beautiful haunting piano strings, and modestly intricate but satisfying arrangement of sounds. If you have like Anahata’s The Unmade Sound, you will feel at home with this one. The transition towards brighter moods is signified by Diving (T6), still leaning to the heavy-hearted side of things, but holding a higher tempo that gets your blood flowing a little bit faster. And the flutes seem to push out that last drop of sadness, and at the other end joy resides. Still modestly climbing towards brighter places with Beyond the Ocean (T7), but with the echoes of vapors still lingering in the wake. Underwater Dub follows, and can be regarded as the last track of the album. It's a nice dubby track with a hint of jazz and South American atmosphere.
A quick word about the remixes: The first remix is Driving (Cydelix remix) (T9), a track that trespasses on mainstream territory. It’s a mix of pop, lounge and electronica. Surprisingly I find myself at ease with this track, not normally my cup of tea, as the album manages to bring me to such a tolerant mood that I just sit back and enjoy. Hoover (T11), is the best remix and one of the best tracks on the CD. Not surprisingly it is remixed by Zero Cult, who has infused it with their unique mystical sound.
Although the album feels more as if it consists of separate tracks more then being a cohesive album, there is still a fluidity between them. And there still seems to be a governing idea of light and happy mood at first, entering a more contemplative state and then ending in a more cheerful way. There's a lot of acoustic elements throughout with flutes, tambourines, guitars, pianos and more. It's nice and gives the album a sense of realism.

Recomendation:  This is great music for introducing you're friends to a new genre. It suits a nice calm dinner, a warm summer day by the sea, on the beach, cruising around in your car or riding a bus. It is music that couldn't possibly offend anyone. I can only thank Cosmicleaf and Dimitri for putting out a very appealing album. Don't miss out!

Review by : Melancholyman

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