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March 12 , 2025
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Concept - Experimental

 ( Fungi ,  Aug. 2005 )

1. Images of U.F.O 7:24 2. Mind Tricks 6:55 3. Turbulance 7:04 4. Glow Into The Flow 7:35 5. The Future 7:01 6. Existenz 7:31 7. Alien Macro Technology 7:17 8. Resonate 7:21 9. Point of View 7:31

Concept is Arnaud Levasseur from France and Experimental is his debut album. The first track sets the theme for the album, night music with some extra-terrestrial feeling to it caused by the technoidish sounds and ufo samples. Mind Tricks keeps the theme but adds darkness into the whole thing. Turbulance is a track with many tricks and traps, very dancefloor friendly, especially when you have stars above your head outside in a forest. Glow Into The Flow is a heavy with a slow feeling to it (it's 145 bpm) packed with sounds and noises all over. The Future (T5) is where the party really begins. Slightly faster than the rest and slightly more energetic as well. Sounds that play mind tricks and a groove thay play feet tricks. Existenz is probably the wierdest track here on this album. It consists of many little things that make you say "WTF!", and then smile with a stupid grin. Track 7, Alien Macro Technology takes elements from old-school psy music, and does that with no problem at all. Resonate puts the groove in the music again with a rich array of sounds giving a lush and full sound spectrum. Point of View is the highlight of this album in my opinion - it's simply a good track.
This is quite a good album for a debut. Night digging music with touches of darkness at some places. The alien theme hovers above most of the tracks, be it because of the samples or the music. The tracks are mostly fun to dance and to listen when you're in the mood for it. But not all is good - there are a few problems. First of all, even though it seems Aranud worked hard to make the tracks each with it's own atmosphere it doesn't work. Yes, the tracks are sort of different but give me the album in one month and I'll have difficulties telling which track is which. There is also a hard feeling of "I've heard it somewhere before" feeling to the album, especially in the last few tracks. Maybe the reason is the repetitiveness of the tracks or simply ideas used previously.

Recomendation:  Overall - great debut. Of course it suffers from the usual things debut albums suffer from, but it does not say that you should throw it to the trash. On the contrary - I recommend this album to all night music lovers. I'm also looking forward to future productions from Concept - he has a future.
My favorites: 2, 4, 5, 9(!)

Review by : Mike A.

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