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March 13 , 2025
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Chillosophy number-3

 ( Digital Structures ,  Mar. 2003 )

1. Omnimotion- Life Hymn Dub 6:31 2. Ooze- Snowflower 5:55 3. Jens Buchert- Reflections 4:28 4. Ticon- The First Moments 5:47 5. Legion of Green Men- Hotbox Highway 2:58 6. Stressassassin- Martial Meditation 7:39 7. Spirit Jack- Nano-X 6:17 8. Vibrasphere- Manzanilla 9:00 9. Foxglove- Part of You 5:35 10. Son Kite- Million Wishes 5:34 11. Aztech- Manifesto 6:02 12. Mere Mortals- Aloft 6:52 13. El LCD- Sno Pa Hisingen (CBL carbonator remix) 6:31

The third in the excellent series from Digital Structures offers more places to sit, and is indeed in a more homely atmosphere. The third Chillosophy is more loungey, more mellow, less brain manipulating and very relaxing. The mellowness is felt almost all through the journey, I can just guess that winter in Scandinavia must have its effect- so this feels very much to me like sitting by the fireplace with snow dancing outside holding a cup of alcohol boosted hot beverage, and relaxing, thinking about different realms.
The journey starts ethnic flavored and mellow, gets more complex with amazing singing in the Ooze track, then takes a more loungey atmosphere with Jens and Ticon, topping in the best tune here by Legion of Green Man- totally Jazzy, great track- but why so short? Long developing version please! Things slow down and get more hypnotic with the mysterious Stressassassin track and the monotone and more Psychedelic Nano-X. Then comes the amazing Manzanilla by Vibrasphere from their latest album, relaxed and floating with lots of feel. Mr. Seb "Shakta" Taylor, shows where his heart really lies and where his talent is spent as well probably with the dreamy Part of You. More singing but in hypnotic lo-tech moody feel from Son Kite and continuing in the same surroundings but in more experimental soundscapes comes Aztech. On the way out we get the more optimistic Aloft with beautiful Bjorkish singing and the finishing track is one of my favorites here, with that melody sending chills down my spine and giving me goose bumps!

Recomendation:  Just beautiful- a bit moody, but still beautiful and with an optimistic streak going through it. It all flows totally clean and grew on me with every listen, each time finding new favorites, till I can say I like all tracks.
Favorites: 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13.

Review by : Shahar

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