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March 13 , 2025
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Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Garden

 ( Ultimae ,  Jun. 2003 )

1. Central Plains 8:07 2. Tensor 5:43 3. MOS 6581 (album version) 7:10 4. Silent Running 7:04 5. Neurotransmitter 7:27 6. Hydroponic Garden 9:12 7. Exosphere 5:05 8. Comsat 7:07 9. Epicentre (first movement) 5:57 10. Artificial Island 5:11 11. Refraction 1.33 7:47

What an opening- I recommend to leave a few candles in the room, turn off the light and turn up the volume- like crossing an unseen curtain to another dimension- foo! And on the other side awaits you a mellow alien atmosphere, which oozes out of this piece of plastic. You just cross and start your journey. And do not worry if it is a hot day, because here it's chilled, almost physically chilled, everything here is blue and aquatic, watery, it's dripping! Wonder around through the soundscapes and you'll discover weird and beautiful places and creatures- it's all there in your mind, and here’s the music to extract it out.
I just love this beautiful album of this Swedish duo. It's very relaxing, very emotional, very musical- almost visual, yet very powerful. These guys now how to create music and sounds that really touch you inside. And when your music has a strong feeling in it, when it can really touch something inside, it's there to stay. And I know that this is an album that is gonna stay with me for long. I will listen to it in times I'll feel like immersing myself in sounds that paints another world, in times I'll need to chill or cool down, in times I want to feel.

Recomendation:  Feel the chill! My best chill album of the summer, so far.
Favorites: 1(!!!), 2, 3(!), 4, 8, 9, 10(!), 11.

Review by : Shahar

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