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March 13 , 2025
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 ( Candyflip ,  Jan. 2003 )

1. Charasmatix- Society FX (pumping pad remix) 6:41 2. Synchro & DJ Nina- About Time 5:57 3. Kuro- Matrox 7:06 4. Sententia- Progress Stop 7:37 5. Drone- In Search For 9:37 6. Igneous Sauria- Tarnkappe 8:12 7. Phacelift- The New You 7:26 8. Bent Sensient vs. Pied Piper Paul- Malice in Blunderland (Starpine remix) 7:21 9. Loopus in Fabula- Panflo (funcked remix) 9:38

Candy is the second compilation of this young Greek label and it is by far their best release so far. Quality release from the special cover (no plastic) through the artwork and the music of course. A blend of smooth groovy progressive trance with depth and power with some exception, but read on.

The compilation starts airy and floating with the first two tracks, which just blend perfectly into each other. Both Charasmatix and Snychro & DJ Nina with powerful caressing atmospheric pieces that get my body moving and mind flowing. Then Kuro is back with one of the most hypnotic track I’ve heard in a long while- Matrox is just totally hypnotizing. Nothing more to say. I just wish Kuro would release more. Then its time for some Greek stuff and things get a bit rougher- Sententia with groovy techy rhythm tricks dipped in floating pads. Drone with hypnotic dark catchy tribalistic tune with great darbukas, another of my favorites here. Igneous Sauria goes into more psychedelic realms with great jumpy groove drowned in metallic voices calling you from the other side. Dramatic and demanding first half, relaxing in the end, a bit of an anti climax really. Phacelift with The New You, sorry but can avoid saying this- this track needs a facelift. A bit immature I think. Then things get confused a bit. It’s Malice in Blunderland remix next, the original released on the first compilation from Candyflip- Etsi. Hectic and quite psychotic track, very special and I quite like it, but can’t help feeling its out of line here. The crazy Loopus follow that line and end the compilation. Now, I love Loopus in Fabula, they're probably one of the most original and interesting acts around- but their production still needs work. The track itself is amazing, weird, musical and fresh, as only they can make, but again it’s hard for me to enjoy it like this.

Recomendation:  One of the best compilation I’ve heard in a while, until track 7 things are pretty much perfect, then get a bit confused, but still this is an excellent release, highly recommended, and stay tuned to Candyflip. Favorites: 1, 2, 3(!!), 4, 5(!), 9.

Review by : Shahar

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