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March 11 , 2025
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BLT - Alchemic Anecdote

 ( Krembo / USTA ,  Feb. 1999 )

1. Alchemic Anecdote (136 BPM) 2. Gravy for the Brain (135 BPM) 3. Crop Circles (138 BPM) 4. Fog (142 BPM) 5. Many Years from Now (147 BPM) 6. Elven Race (150 BPM) 7. Sweet Dreams (144 BPM) 8. Music (132 BPM) 9. Inhalation (110 BPM)

As a new CD is about to be released soon on Krembo records, and as I know the brain behind the creation I found it natural to give you a review on it.

Generally speaking first of all this CD, in my opinion, kinda tells a story it starts slow around 135-138 BPM then kicks off as high as 150 BPM and calms down again ever so gently. I like this CD because it is unlike most of the stuff that comes out today and especially because it's not a compilation and doesn’t tend to be commercial.

And now for the tracks: 1. Alchemic Anecdote-as an opening track should be starts off kinda slow but raising the interest for what's there to come with exploring psy sounds 136 BPM
2. Gravy for the Brain- continues with the minimal psy sound at more or less the same pace but starts to kick more towards the stomach area with heavy basses and little 'floating' melody.
3. Crop Circles-heavy basses with tiny touches of techno but a much more danceable track-I personally like this style very much though there aren’t too much things done nowadays to go with it.
4. Fog -this x-dream style kick takes us further in our little adventure into sound generating Barkan can only dream of (and I'm sure he doesn’t) 142 BPM.
5. Many Years From Now-the wicker link in the album didn’t get me going too much simple structure simple beats and simple technoy sound even reminds a bit of the older Israeli stuff.
6.Elven Race-a full on crazy psy track taking you to the limited edge of your seat. Interesting passages and very daring rhythm section.
7.Sweet Dreams- cooling off again in pace but not in prospect another storming track in fog's style really kicking and stomping style.
8.Music- we're turning off here to a hard technoy style touching drum & bass and other alternative electro-styles.
9. Inhalation- the album closing off with a fantastic magical ambient theme also mixing chill-out elements to rest you ever so calmly on your seat after this experience which is weird yet full of fun.

Recomendation:  Not your typical commercial shit but a very well built psychedelic experience published under Krembo records which is promising enough as it is despite their last flops. Go get it!!!!

Favorite tracks:2, 5, 6, 8.

Review by : DJ Nadi

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