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March 13 , 2025
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Bizzare Contact - Plastic Fantastic

 ( Com.pact ,  Apr. 2004 )

1. Love Simulation 144bpm 8:06 2. Run Away 146bpm 8:10 (with Nameless) 3. Drop It 145bpm 8:20 4. Horizon 142bpm 8:15 5. Plastic Fantastic 145bpm 8:29 6. Twisted 145bpm 7:02 (with Optyvision) 7. Can't Stop 145bpm 7:57 8. RT Shock 143bpm 7:44 (with Nameless) 9. Creative World 9:08

After releasing some tracks in various compilation and being credited as one of the biggest new names in full on Bizzare Contact are releasing their first album through Com.pact Records. The first thing you notice about this album is the original cover art, very hilarious! Let's talk about the music now. Track 1 is Love Simulation which was also released on a Utopia Compilation. Nice groove and great percussions, very positive and happy track. The melodies are very energetic and uplifting. Run Away comes next, but I see no reason to run away. This one was made together with Nameless (Oren Azulay). This track has one dominant melody all over the track. Some may call it clubby, cheesy, nitzhonot, but it does one thing- makes you fly. Isn't this what trance music is about? Drop It (T3) starts a bit weak but halfway through the track is becomes something of great emotional value, well done. Horizon is number 4 on this album, getting a bit slower now. Somewhat Goa like in atmosphere, nothing special here. Sounds too much like stuff I've heard before. Next is the title track of this album, and another favorite. Again, an uplifting track, very positive in emotions. Optyvision (Dudu Zohar) joins the the duo for next. And it's twisted just as the name suggests, it is also highly psychedelic, compared to the rest of the album. Great sound effects all around. Can't Stop (T7) is a welcome change in style. Going to the more electric side, sort of 80s sound. Good track, but there are better here. RT Shock is the second collaboration with Nameless on this album. May sound a bit darker, but this one holds great powerful sounds in it. Closing the album is a track called Creative World. Nothing special here, the usual nice groove and melodies.

Recomendation:  Don't let the name and style fool you. This album has great moments, and is sure to put a smile on every sad man listening to it. Makes me curious about the other names involved here- Nameless and Optyvision. Anyway, this is a well produced album- music, sound (mastered by Lior Perlmutter of Astral fame), design. Could have had more album feel in it- different styles, story throughout the album, but still- this one is worth the money.
Favorites: 1(!), 2(!), 3, 5, 6, 8.

Review by : Mike A

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