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Attoya - Base on True Events

 ( Trishula ,  Oct. 2007 )

1. Based on True Events 2. Above Natural Sleep 3. The Reflection of Awry Mirrors 4. Our Pasty Part 5. The System of Multiple Language 6. Green Crop Matured 7. Natural Vitamin 8. Color Shades 9. What I've Felt

Alex and Leonid Burshtein are two brothers that form the group Attoya. They released their debut album in Trishula Records (that goes already with 12 releases) after some of their music was released in various compilations, and I recall one track in Neverending Story 2, which is a superb track, very hypnotic track that I enjoyed a lot and left me curious to hear more music from this duet. Although in some tracks on this album my expectations were well fulfilled, others left me beyond my expectations. But let’s go all the way through Based On True Events, and hear the tracks.
Based On True Events (T1), is the track that gave name to the album. A tune of 150 bpm that starts on a rather smooth way that goes in a crescendo, with some small FX here and there, till at 3 minutes it goes downwards and when all the sounds start again we get the trademark of the brothers - those delicious hypnotic sounds – that work very fine. After this at 5:00 minutes they use a sound that really isn’t my cup of tea, and in my point of view ruins a little bit the vibe of the track.
Above Natural Sleep (T2), the second track starts with some sounds of birds in the beginning, and with some environment sounds of a forest – which will be a constant through the music - later after this sounds we can ear some spooky leads, and at 3:00 minutes starts a sound that it is very similar to a person speaking, but is distorted in such a way, that the sound emitted seems a cat making noise; then at 5:37 minutes appears a lead that I enjoyed a lot, creating an awesome atmosphere! Very interesting track.
Now we go to The Reflection Of Awry Mirrors (T3), one of my favourite tracks of the album. It has some wicked and twisted leads, and I particularly like the way the leads are produced, because they give the sensation of continuity - if you heard track 2 and thought it was spooky then this one will give you some creeps up your spine. All the sounds worn by the brothers create confusion and puzzlement in your brain cells. Favourite.
Our Tasty Part (T4) is a great track. The first minute starts in a very soft way, and after the first minute, some hats start, giving more enthusiasm in the track, and some sounds that seem the wind - this combined with some mellow melodies and hypnotic sounds with harsh psychedelism create chaos! These combined forces of light and dark sounds are just great! Another favourite.
The System Of Multiple Language (T5), revolves around some atmospheric melancholic sonorities, with some male samples in the mixture and some piano notes. This on didn’t caught very much my hearings, because has I stated before runs much in melancholic sounds, and it didn’t pleased me much.
Green Crop Matured (T6) starts with more happy sounds, then its predecessor. The bpms on this work go around the 150. The track begins with two nice leads, one almost seeming voices, and the other creating dizziness behind it, and this work is interesting because they complement one another, they do not overwhelm themselves. Then there is addiction of more leads, but the thing I couldn’t stop noticing is that it could have more variation in these two leads I have just mentioned and on the hats. It seems somehow that the brothers repeated themselves to much in this track, because although the work on the leads is nice it becomes very repetitive after some time, and this one not being the longest track in the album, is the second longest with 9:00 minutes, and the lack of variation, eventually makes it loose some magic.
Natural Vitamin (T7) is THE longest track in this album, with 9:32 minutes! Once again we work with 150 bpm. It begins right away with some dark pads and random space noises. The flow of this is obscure with gloomy sounds; the kick and bass line are strong and fat respectively. It has a brake in the middle of the music with some frightening sounds that are suffering some highs and downs in the volumes. It has also a lead that is very similar to sound of rubber, a little bit annoying if I may say, but maybe this was the effect Attoya wanted to create.
Now comes Color Shades (T8), and along with the last track, they are the fastest tunes in the album spinning around the 155 bpm, but this one is the shortest track on the album. It has some twilight sounds, and in the beginning we can ear a lead very dynamic, full of groove ness, but always accompanied with the hypnotic and dark sounds that characterizes the brothers. The percussive elements are way better than most of the previous works, giving more danceable elements. My favourite track of the album.
Now What I’ve Felt (T9), the last track of the album, comes in the mood of the CD, and you will get basically the same sonorities, with a little of variation with other sounds, some twilight sonorities, also some work with R2-D2 sounds here and there, nothing out of regular, an average track.
The mastering of this CD was made in the 4CN studios and the artwork made by Zoolog.

Recomendation:  So to conclude my review, I must say; ok, it took me sometimes to listen to this album and write a review, because the first times I heard it the music the brothers created, didn’t caught my attention, and I was not able to get some essences of their work. One thing I have noticed is that they use a lot the same work on the hats, and I believe this is an area the brothers must invest more because in the end of hearing 9 tracks with almost the same hats becomes a little bit boring.
I believe also, they should have waited a little bit more for releasing an album so the duet, which seem to me, have lots of talent, could perfect their skills in music. It seems that the rush of releasing their music broke some expectations I had for them. We still have nice moments of music but I think they could have done more specially because of what I have already heard from them and know what they are capable of. We can hear in this album some great moments of music but in the other hand some parts of the tracks do not fit together, they are not in perfect symbiosis; they break a little bit the vibe we expect to follow. I think they repeat some sounds very often. Of course we get some interesting tracks, like the case of “Above Natural Sleep”, ”Our Tasty Part”, “The Reflection Of Awry Mirror” and “Color Shades”.
I know that the brothers have enormous potential but in this album I believe it was not fully accomplished. They already created their unique sound but need more improvement in the hats and do not repeat the same sounds so often. I hope Attoya, take these critics as positive and improve of they are capable of doing.

Favorite tracks:2, 3, 4, and 8(!).

Review by : a3k

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