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March 13 , 2025
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Analog Pussy - Underground LP

 ( AP ,  Sep. 2001 )

A1. Underground Syndrome 7:41 A2. Mandocello Warrior 9:44 B1. Revenge of the Toys 6:56 B2. Shperma Pornomatic (video mix) 5:55 B3. Stomping Crow 7:13 C1. Brutus 8:51 C2. Hell Pump 7:50 D1. Audio Santo (remix) 8:14 D2. Tails From The Crypt 9:57

Here is the LP version of the new Analog Pussy album. It has 2 tracks that are different from the CD, so I'll just review them. The Underground CD review you can find here.

D1 is a shorter remix of Audio Santo formerly released on vinyl in Hadshot Haheizar. The sound is definitely upgraded here, it's a bit more clubby, but story wise it does not offer much change from the original- the same feel is here, but it means that it's still a great track.
D2, Tails From the Crypt, is indeed cryptic- opening with a slow fuzzed kick and bass intro of more tan two minutes- a joy for DJs, but also to listen to, then the hi-hats enter, the real kick follows and thing develop slowly and beautifully in a mechanic groove (yeh, I know, but that's what it is) dipped in a lot of cruch into a long maze of progression, build-ups and rhythm changes. An unbelievable break is present as well of course. Great stuff!!!

Recomendation:  Great stuff to rock the floor and bring it to madness. Two vinyls a DJ should own.

Review by : Shahar

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