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March 13 , 2025
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Analog Pussy - Trance N Roll

 ( AP ,  Apr. 2004 )

1. Trance N Roll 6:59 2. Future 8:29 3. Molecular 7:20 4. Psycho Punko 8:57 5. Angels 9:39 6. 2B 7:41 7. Osterstrasse 3 8:39 8. Sound of Soul 7:19 9. Amrisha 7:04 10. Snail Song 7:18

Analog Pussy are back with another album. Following their everlasting quest of change they reach new shores, this time going back to fulfilling a probable teenage dream- becoming rock stars! Trance N Roll is exactly what its name suggests it is- a fusion of both. The outcome? Well... read on...
The beginning... It was bound to happen one day, and so we get a trance version of Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple- some will cry sacrilege here, but not to take it too seriously the outcome is somewhere between fun and funny- quick to catch you, but probably also quick to fade- a sure short lived massive dancefloor hit. It goes on with my favorite here- Future- an excellent poppy rebel rock'n'roll on trance beats with catchy vocals and nice singing by Jiga. Just a great song. The freedom of borrowing continues with Molecular (T3)- An 80s sounding rockish piece with Spanish vocals a rip out of New Order's Blue Monday and a strong break. Nice. Next, well... you gotta laugh here, dunno about you, but myself, being an old punk fan, I have a big smile on my face, classic punk rhythms and feel, lyrics included. And so the pussies give punk a trancey version as well, and include a reggae finish in the package. And the lyrics, well, I guess they sing what's on their minds... Angels (T5) starts the more "serious" feeling part of the album- it's a proper trance track, weird stuff, nice use of trippy cello sounds, oldskool clubby feel in fast bpm surrounded by crunchy sounds. "2B or not to 2B? this is the question"- grabby groovy percussion and rock'n'roll trancey massive break, with electronic 80s sound. Pure dancefloor. Osterstrasse 3 is a nice moody song in German with good guitar work and deep piano. In Sound of Soul (T8) Jiga tells us about her musical conflicts and attitude to the music industry. While I can definitely identify with the idea behind the lyrics, I must say, they sound a bit naive and simplistic, but the the music is really really beautiful. Amrisha brings an Indian feel and distorted moody vocals and weird sounds. Snail Songs ends the album in a more relaxed loungey atmosphere and nice vocals. Cute.

Recomendation:  It's not state of the art musical creation, but it is a first step in a new direction, and the Pussies were the first ones to make it all the way. Gotta give them credit for breaking the growing walls of boredom that trance is getting surrounded with. Fun, funny, fresh & supplies both dancefloor material and stuff to listen to at home. Lyrics (the ones I understand) could use a facelift.
Favorites: 1, 2(!), 3, 4, 6.

Review by : Shahar

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