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March 13 , 2025
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Analog Pussy - Space Walk 12"

 ( Hadshot Haheizar ,  Sep. 2000 )


A. Space Walk 8:04 B. Death Roll 8:21

About a year and half ago, Jiga told me that once Psycho Beach from Hell is released and done with, Analog Pussy are going to make some massive night music and leave some people with their mouths open. Well, I think they kept the promise. Here is second 12" for the pussies going deeper into the 'new sound' of Analog Pussy- dark minimalistic tech-trance. These tracks were made after the move to Germany and it is felt in the music.

Space Walk on the A-side is a repetitive minimalistic piece with thunder air-moving kick, great groove, lots of cute percussion work, a lot of scratchy-catchy sound games, and quite a crunch. Happy bumpy jumpy night music, heavy, yet light- a great track!
On the B-Side there's Death Roll, a much harder piece of music. Again, very repetitive and monotonic, but with dark atmosphere and a much more technoey feel to it. Nice break and build up work with changing rhythms and sound. Makes you jump up and down to the beat and make pwwwrrrrt with your lips- yeah I know it sounds weird, but listen to the track and you'll know what I mean. The track keeps evolving around that main theme, and you just can't loose interest with groove entering, nice tribal percussion, and frequent plot changes till it all opens up in the end. What to say? Another good one.

Recomendation:  Analog Pussy changed phase and it does them good. Get a hold of this one.

Review by : Shahar

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